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March 12, 2020
The DNC Moves to Protect Its Geriatric, Immunocompromised, At-Risk Candidates, "Social Distancing" Them From the Voters
Biden/Sanders debate moved from AZ to DC.
A commenter wrote, no big deal, they'll just tell Joe Biden he's in Arizona.
And speaking of Joe Biden's slow rapid descent into dementia:
Alex the Chick addresses Professional Pharisee and Liar David French and his claim that discussing Joe Biden's obvious neurological degeneration is Not Who We Are.
It is a fair assumption on my part that everyone reading this has dealt with a family member or other person close to them being lost to the cold, harsh grip of dementia (dementia here being used in the colloquial, not clinical, sense). This is, sadly, a very common experience.
Thus, it does not take any special knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education to recognize the signs of a person in cognitive decline. The specific flavor of the decline will require a diagnosis by a physician, granted. But recognizing that there is a problem doesn't.
Nearly everyone reading this has, or will have, or is planning to have this week, conversations with family members that it's time we talk about what to do with Nana because she cannot live alone now. We have to hide the keys from Dad because he should not be driving.
People are highly familiar with these signs because people are living this right now. For French, et al, to preen about you're trying to be internet neurologists spits in the face of what people are observing and the experiences people have had dealing with this.
The French Davidians are the family members who see Mom and Dad a couple of days a year at Thanksgiving and Christmas and maybe talk with them on the phone twice a month or so who show up to the family meeting and sit there with arms crossed saying i''s not that bad, Mom's fine.
They're the son who at then end of the screaming hours long fight that, Dad, you can't drive anymore, you are lucky you didn't kill anyone when you ran that red light so we're taking your keys, hugs Dad on the way out the door and whispers "I left a set of keys in the drawer"
It's not simply denial. It's actively thwarting the people who have to deal with the fall out of the decline on a daily basis. It's a personal slap in the face of people who are watching their loved one slip away, one memory at a time.
It is, as is par for the course, a sneering, nasty, vicious, contemptuous reply to legitimate concerns which is wrapped up in a Christian cloak. It is, again, par for the course, a rejection of anyone being a fair broker of a view other than them. And it's disgusting. /fin
More: Biden is going to try to "present a contrast" with Trump, and will deliver his own remarks on coronavirus -- presumably, objecting to any border safeguards or travel restrictions.
Here's the link to his YouTube account.