« Traitorous NeverTrump Mercenary and Credibly Accused Gay Hair-Rapist Mitt Romney: I Vote to Convict
Updated: The NeverTrumpers Rush to White Knight for Mittens! |
February 05, 2020
Nasty Dirty Decrepit Nancy Pelosi Was Testing the Pages of the Speech to See If They Could Be Torn; She Was Planning This From the Start
I'm not sure it's enough to convict.
But then, like Mitt Romney, I had a long thought about it, and decided I could not live with my conscience unless I said: Guilty.
What do you guys think? I can see the inference, but I don't see smoking-gun proof.
Is there conclusive proof on this video that I keep missing?
Update: They Daily Mail has video showing that Pelosi stealthily pre-ripped the speech before ripping it for the camera.
The old lady had to pre-rip sheets of paper
to dramatically rip them for the cameras.
Thanks to AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado) for answering my question.
More Cultists Pledge Their Undying Loyalty to a Corrupt, Dishonest Charlatan:
I'm talking about the Romney Cultists and deifiers, of course.