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January 30, 2020
There Are Strange Things Done In The Midnight Sun On Ace's Own ONT
Thursday night tip: We've still got 6 more weeks or so of really cold weather. Be extra careful when starting your car, make sure that no animals have curled up underneath it or on the hood for warmth.
Gun Stuff
Did an anti-gun activist stage a ‘death threat’ for Twitter? (Hint: Yes)
Then there's this:
I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist, usually they are products of the human mind's need to impose order on chaos, or reluctance to believe that random events can have huge impacts, but something we haven't been told was going on here. And now the story is gone. Poof. Nobody even talks about it any more. Just like shootings that don't fit the narrative.
So what is it? What actually happened in Vegas? The whole thing is just weird.
Speaking of weird, I was amazed last Friday that nobody commented on that appalling clip from the Vice video that I posted. Not one person. Usually you guys eat that kind of thing up.
Parenting Links
Utah woman fights charges after stepkids see her topless at home Little something for everyone to argue about in this one. I'm still not sure if it was innocent – she took off her shirt while working to keep it from getting dirty and the kids walked in – or if she was trying to make some kind of statement.
An ER doctor was charged with abusing his baby. But 15 medical experts say there's no proof. A travesty if the facts are as presented. Don't take your kids to Wisconsin Childrens. I tend to believe the guy, and here's why. CPS always starts with noble intentions, to protect kids from abuse, and I agree, we should. However, being a government bureaucracy, it soon devolves into an agency that will find abuse, and if none is present, invent abuse, because doing so justifies its existence.
'I've let my brother call me dad for years rather than telling him the ugly truth' And it seems his family just can't abide it. No good deed.....
Take Heart, Morons!
No matter how big an asshole you are, you'll never be as big an asshole as these people. Family installs playscape for their terminally ill son, neighbors sue for $100K
Well I'll Be. A Principled Democrat
Washington Democrat Forced to Take Down Trump Sign, Will Put Up an Even Bigger One
In our interview, Chambers told me that the larger issue around the sign is whether other people can tell him what to do with his property. “We can argue whether Trump is a good president or not,” he said, “or whether he’s a quality guy. I’ll have that conversation all day long. The larger issue for me is, why do we allow neighbors to tell other neighbors what they can do in their yard? The sign is not a safety issue. It doesn’t overhang into the sidewalk. You literally cannot see the sign unless you’re looking directly at my house as you drive by. And I honestly don’t believe that if this were a Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden sign, anyone would have complained.”
Who's A Good Girl?
Tonight's ONT is brought to you by the perfect film:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:03 PM
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