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January 30, 2020
Carter Page Sues the DNC, Perkins-Coie, and Two Founders of Fusion GPS for Damages Suffered Due to False and Malicious Slanders Contained in the "Dossier"
"This is a first step to ensure that the full extent of the FISA abuse that has occurred during the last few years is exposed and remedied," attorney John Pierce said Thursday. "Defendants and those they worked with inside the federal government did not and will not succeed in making America a surveillance state."
He added: "This is only the first salvo. We will follow the evidence wherever it leads, no matter how high. ...The rule of law will prevail."
Page first filed a defamation suit on his own against the parties in October 2018 in federal court in Oklahoma, but that suit was dismissed in January 2019 after the judge ruled the court lacked jurisdiction over the case because neither Page nor the DNC had strong enough ties to the state.
I'm not sure why Page is suing from districts where he has to make an argument about jurisdiction -- is he just trying to avoid suing in hyperliberal DC? That is probably the problem here.
Streiff writes:
The real goldmine here will not be a monetary settlement, it will be the discovery process which will give Carter Page’s legal team the ability to gain access to all manner of communications by the DNC and Perkins Coie concerning anything to do with the Steele Dossier.
Meanwhile, Michael Flynn got some good news. The government had agreed, as part of his plea deal over a fake crime that never happened, to not seek jail time.
People usually don't get jail time when they've done nothing wrong.
But the prosecutors didn't like Flynn questioning their ethics, so they then sought up to six months in jail for him.
So Flynn moved to withdraw his plea deal.
The prosecutors have now backed down and are no longer seeking jail time, but just probation.
I kinda think he should withdraw the plea anyway.
The queen of conspiracies immediately jumped to, get this, insinuating a conspiracy theory:
Seriously, we need to start coordinating to flood Twitter with complaints when people on the left pump out more conspiracy theories.
Twitter just added a new reporting feature: you can now complain over a tweet which, in the estimation of the reader, "misrepresents a news story."
They added this to appease the Stasi Culture of the left.
But if the left is going to employ these Stasi tools, we must employ them against the left, even more viciously.