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January 30, 2020
Mitch McConnell: I Think I've Got the Votes
After more than 90 questions and 8 hours of debate on Wednesday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated to Republican senators he believes he now has the votes to defeat any Democratic motion that the Senate consider new witnesses when the Senate decides that question on Friday, according to two GOP sources. That would allow him to skip to the final stages of the trial, the sources said.
Um, no ABC, that wouldn't be "skipping the final stages of the trial," as if these stages are set out in writing. It would end the trial. The questions would have been "the final stages of the trial."
They just cannot write even a single sentence straight.
ABC News' Trish Turner caught up with McConnell as he arrived at the Capitol Thursday morning.
Asked if he has the votes he needs to win the day Friday on witnesses, he responded, "We'll see what tomorrow brings."
Then, when asked if he felt confident about the vote, he turned his head and with a sly grin and said, "I always do."
The media is attacking Dershowitz today (even as it gives "tongue baths" to Adam Schiff).
Why are they attacking him?
Because he was effective.
Why are media so brazenly lying about Alan Dershowitz's arguments to the Senate? Because Democrat senators told journalists that GOP moderates found Dershowitz to be extremely persuasive on the merits. Democrats believe they have to destroy Dershowitz to get those votes back.
One of the more bizarre spectacles of the whole impeachment farce is how poorly served Democrats have been by their media, who have convinced Democrats that moderate GOP senators have the same worldview and temperament as the average Daily Kos commenter.
And maybe fireworks coming later, and a rebuke of John Roberts.
As you probably know, John Roberts censored a Rand Paul question about alleged fake whistleblower/former Biden aide Eric Ciaramella yesterday.
What you might not know is that Roberts originally refused to ask any of the question.
But GOP Senators told him that if he did that, they would call for a vote and overrule him:
Earlier today, Chief Justice John Roberts refused to read a question from Sen. Rand Paul that named the anti-Trump whistleblower. Sources say Roberts, at Democrats' urging, had previously vowed to ban any questions about the whistleblower whatsoever, named or not. Developing...
Sean Davis
Sources say Roberts was told an attempt to censor any questions about the whistleblower in general would be rebuked by recorded Senate vote, at which point Roberts retreated and communicated that he would instead censor any mention of the whistleblower's name.
This little liberal pussy bitch scrambled back on-side and just censored the name.
But Rand Paul wants to ask about Eric Ciaramella again, and I think he's signalling he will demand a vote on John Roberts' censorship:
SPOX: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will "insist" on asking question about whistleblower after Supreme Court Justice John Roberts blocks
UPDATE: John Roberts just to refused to read Rand Paul's question... again. Just now.
Senator Rand Paul
My question today is about whether or not individuals who were holdovers from the Obama National Security Council and Democrat partisans conspired with Schiff staffers to plot impeaching the President before there were formal House impeachment proceedings.
He just posted the question:
My exact question was:
Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together 1/2
and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings. 2/2
And Roberts refused to read it. He just decided that he was King Shit of Censor Mountain.
Oh, and this is... interesting: