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January 23, 2020
Former Clinton "War Room" Propagandist and Current Member of the Fake Media George Stephanoplous Caught Frantically Giving "Kill" Gesture, Telling Producer to Cut Trump's Lawyer Off and Keep Him Off the Air

We can't have the president's lawyer being heard by the public on Democrat/Corporate Media. These are our airwaves. We control the vertical!
Here is the video feed. It's hard to tell you where to go in the video, because it's a live feed and the timer is set to register how many minutes back to go from the current minute. And the current minute is always changing, moving forward with time.
So I can tell you how far back to go from the moment I post this, but if you come in later, you're going to have to do some math. If you see this ten minutes after I post, you'll have to go back ten additional minutes.
As I hit post at 6:30 pm, the clip in question starts at just about -3:20:00. Look for Trump's attorney Jay Sekulow at a press gaggle, and then Georgie Porgie back in the studio, having been caught telling his producer to cut away.
Prediction: While ABC "News" is covering the Democrat case gavel-to-gavel, I predict they will go back to running soap operas during the President's defense.
And... deleted. I guess I waited ten minutes too long to post this. Update: I think have the link working again.
Hopefully MRC or someone will have it later.
I don't have that clip anymore, so here's a Supercut of the media queefing over "Dreamboat Adam" Schiff:
The Liberal Hack Brackets: Comfortably Smug has arranged the worst liberal hacks into brackets from four different regions, including the Establishment hack division, the Fake News hack division, the Liberal Activist division, and the Way Too Online division.
Prediction: The Daily Beast, Media Matters, Buzzfeed and CNN will work together to dox this critic.
Set the Doxxing Clock for 24:00.
No dissent will be permitted.