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January 20, 2020
Great: Gucci's New Fashion Line Has a Theme of... "Anti-Toxic-Masculinity"
Oh right. I can see how that would work perfectly for, you know, clothes.
How do you fight toxic masculinity with clothes, you ask?
Simple. You just do what every designer's been doing for 30 years -- dress up men in effeminate clothing, including skirts and babydoll dresses.
[F]or his Fall 2020 men's collection in Milan today, Michele boiled down his vision for Gucci to its essence. He wanted to capture the purity of childhood, back when carefree days weren't tainted by societal norms, particularly those relating to masculine ideals.
"In a patriarchal society, masculine gender identity is often moulded by violently toxic stereotypes," read the show notes. "A dominant, winning, oppressive masculinity model is imposed on babies at birth. Attitudes, languages and actions end up progressively conforming to a macho virility ideal that removes vulnerability and dependence. Any possible reference to femininity is aggressively banned, as it is considered a threat against the complete affirmation of a masculine prototype that allows no divergencies."

That Hansel, he's so hot right now

Why don't you derlichte my balls?
Please find enclosed my written consent
for derlichting my balls.
There's some video of these, uh, festivities here.
Vogue is thrilled at the trans-gressiveness!
The biggest surprise on Gucci’s fall 2020 men’s runway in Milan today wasn’t the lack of prints or the retro, boyish silhouettes, but the slogan written on the front of a simple white tee: “impotent/impatient.” The shirt was part of double-printed motif inspired by punk musician Richard Hell that also included a T-shirt that read, “thank/think.” Will men sport a top advertising impotency?
So, if i have this right, you took the lazy hack "artiste" trick of just taking a hot-button buzzword and stenciling it on a white background -- "art" galleries are littered with a thousand "paintings" just consisting of the word "PRIVILEGE" -- and you just slapped it on a t-shirt?
How daring. How artistic.
In Alessandro Michele's new world of menswear, proclaiming oneself impotent (or impatient, for that matter) isn’t something to be ashamed of. Notes for the collection spoke of a rejection of toxic masculinity and an embrace of a genderless form of beauty. "Toxic masculinity, in fact, nourishes abuse, violence, and sexism. And not only that. It condemns men themselves to conform to an imposed phallic virility in order to be socially accepted," read the press release. To paraphrase: The patriarchy is over.
Yes, it's totally over.
In unrelated news, the top designer at Gucci is male and so is its CEO.
Related: The "anti-manspreading chair" is back in the news again, because the "award" winning designer admits it won't actually accomplish the thing this ugly chair was designed to accomplish.