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January 16, 2020
You Can't Say That In Comics! ONT
Comics have been around as a mass produced art form for more than 80 years. During that time, the language has changed, attitudes have changed, hell, the whole cultural zeitgeist today would seem as foreign to a visitor from the 1930s as Afghanistan culture seems to us (read about the dancing boys sometime. Or don't, for your sanity and the sake of keeping your lunch down). Naturally, that means that some things that went unremarked to period eyes seem very, very strange to us today.
Of course, changing vernacular has it's own place in this pantheon. You could do an entire ONT on Batman's boners, back in the 1940s the word had an entirely different connotation, and was beloved of the folks writing the Batman books. This is just a small sample.
I would bet this next one is from one of the
Spire Christian Comics books. Does anyone else remember these? They were published in the 1970s and featured either morality tales starring Archie and his gang, biographical stories about contemporary Christians (Tom Landry, Johnny Cash, Mitsuo Fuchida (led the attack on Pearl Harbor), Chuck Colson, etc. and popular evangelical topics (Hal Lindsey's
There's A New World Coming). I think I had all of them at one point or another.
I dunno. The art style isn't quite as I remember, but the dialogue sure is. I can tell you that never once during my yonderling days did I ever hear anyone follow “Hey, let's get high/drunk/have sex/whatever” with “and deny Christ”. Must have been a more evil crowd than the one I hung out with.
Of course, the comics code might have been a lot more effective if it had just outlawed any comic book characters named Dick.
Sometimes the zeitgeist just seems weird to modern ears.
Although I suppose that last one is just the 50s version of “Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure”.
Often the text is fine, but the art is....questionable
Not to mention all those things that seem gay to us today.
And here are a few miscellaneous frames to wrap things up
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by the only thing to do:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:45 PM
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