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January 16, 2020
Sen. Martha McSally Refuses to Answer Question from Liberal Hack Manu Raju, Calling Him a "Liberal Hack"
And the liberal media are just beside themselves at this terrible show of disrespect!
It's about time. It's about time we stripped them of the pretense, stopped offering them politeness.
They're scumbags. They're virtually criminals. They should be treated as you'd treat a pedophile.
S*** my d***, sissybitch.
More sadz!!!!
This is accurate:
These little sissybitches. Listen to them shriek!
The Clucking of the C**ks:
Pretty sure Dan McLaughlin and the rest of the Fainting Couch Fairies at NR will start shrieking soon enough.
But the c***ed-out, tucked-under Washington Examiner -- funded by the same liberal billionaire who funded the Weekly Standard, and who only pulled the plug on that liberal venture because it didn't have the reach or prestige he wanted -- is the first out of the gate sucking up to their future would-be liberal employers.
Martha McSally takes a cheap shot at CNN reporter
by Brad "Muh Norms" Polumbo
Everybody knows CNN has a liberal bias. But it’s still not appropriate for a sitting Republican senator to bash one of its reporters when he asks a perfectly legitimate question.
This isn't a good look for McSally...
You should know that "This isn't a good look for [x]" is something Twitter Zombies all endlessly repeat, each thinking it's a pretty witty and original thing to say, despite the fact that they saw 10,000 of their closest shut-in non-friends on Twitter saying it.