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January 06, 2020
The Morning Rant

So the Democrat/progressive platform seems to be "Whatever Trump is for -- we're against it!" Trump calls the MS-13 gang a bunch of animals, and, right on cue, Nancy Pelosi springs to their defense. And now Trump has ordered the kill shot on one of the worst of the Mideast bad guys, and Democrats are *crying* about it. They're staging their pre-planned spontaneous demonstrations to condemn the hit.
"This is just like the cold war, where no matter what the USSR did, the left fell all over itself to defend. And to denounce the Republicans for defending our country. You have to ask yourself, why do Democrats always side with the enemy? It never fails.
"You know, when Obama ordered the strike on bin Laden, I don't remember any Republicans getting pissy about it. Well, nobody except for Ron Paul, but he doesn't count because he's an idiot."
"And in other news, British comedian Ricky Gervais took a big steaming dump all over the Hollywood glitterati at the Golden Globe Awards last night, and the progs aren't happy about it. Which is weird, because I thought they were all about transgressing the boundaries and subverting the narrative and speaking truth to power and offing the toffs and all that. But apparently it's only supposed to apply to some boundaries and some narratives and some powers and some toffs. I doubt Ricky will be invited back next year."
Now THIS Is Speaking Truth To Power:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4
Bonus Who Dis:

(note: this photo has no connection with the first two. Although if you told me that he banged the female celeb once upon a time, I wouldn't doubt it.)
Friday's Celebs: Merle Oberon and Dana Andrews, who starred in the film Night Song (1947).
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Slow Cooker Honey Buffalo Wings: 
(click for bigger wings)
Recipe here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:22 AM
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