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January 01, 2020
Fiscally Conservative + Socially Liberal = Leftist Green Economics
I recently wrote about the GOPe’s “Budget Hawk” fraud. A corollary to that is the fraud of the Republican who presents himself as both Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal (hereafter referred to as “FCSL”.) Invariably - well it’s actually EVERY DAMN TIME - the FCSL Republican becomes an environmental crusader, because “environmentalism” is a key component of the “socially liberal” agenda. And what is at the core of the environmental movement? Command and control of the economy. Therefore a “fiscally conservative” FCSL Republican becomes an ally of the far left on economic issues - to save the planet. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Christi Todd Whitman are the poster chumps of the FCSL fraud. Both were elected governor of their respective states as FCSLs. Both of them were coopted by the left, who forced them to prove their socially liberal bona fides by embracing green economic policies. Now they are both demanding a government overhaul of the economy in a fashion consistent with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s demands, and with a government control structure that Bernie, Marx, and Engels could all support.
I once considered myself a FCSL, because abortion and school prayer were not my issues, and frankly I disagreed with social conservatives when it seemed they were trying to use government to impose their religious practices on others. I am still opposed to school prayer, because I do not want school kids having to bow to Mecca, nor do I want a government employee leading her students in a prayer to save the world from the ravages of capitalism or its carbon sins. But am I socially liberal? No. “Socially liberal” means an activist government actively agitating from the left on social issues. I want the government out of our lives, other than its constitutional role in protecting and securing liberty. And social conservatives nowadays simply want the government and the left to stop its persecution of them for practicing their faith.
Nowadays, the only conservatives I trust to advocate for the economic principles I believe in are social conservatives. As Ace has pointed out, social conservatives are used to being mocked and vilified by the Washington political/media establishment. In fact, social conservatives gain fortitude when pilloried by that establishmen. And ultimately, the critical issues facing our country are hard to define as strictly “economic” or “social’. The populist coalition that elected Donald Trump wants US sovereignty with secure borders, economic freedom within our borders, inoculation from importing the world’s pathologies into our country, limited government that protects its citizens’ liberties, advocacy for Americans to enjoy opportunity and prosperity above the demands of non-citizens and foreigners, and civic pride and patriotism with a respect for western civilization. Are these economic or social issues? Whatever they are, FCSLs cannot be trusted to advocate for these goals if doing so displeases the sustainable organic leftists who throw great dinner parties in Georgetown. A vilified social conservative, on the other hand, will stay true to these principles and continue to advocate for them.
Finally, there’s a new generation of Schwarzenwhitmans who are trying to straddle the gap between fiscal conservatism and socially liberal environmentalism. Dan Crenshaw, Ben Sasse, and Matt Gaetz are among the most prominent FCSLs in Congress regarding green energy, and they all crave camera time and adulation on television news. The media will manipulate these GOP politicians’ narcissistic need to be on TV with a simple carrot – advocate for left wing environmental policies and they’ll be invited in front of that intoxicating red camera light on Sunday morning political shows. If they don’t cooperate, they’ll be banished from Sunday morning political shows, just like all those deplorable social conservatives sitting in church pews on Sunday mornings. As for me, I want those deplorable Christians who attend church on Sunday morning to be my advocate for economic issues. I trust them more than I’ll ever trust another FCSL.
posted by Open Blogger at
06:25 PM
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