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December 11, 2019
The Morning Report - 12/11/19
Good morning kids. Midweek and I'm going to put the sham-peachment stuff second because, really, what the hell more is there to say about this other than the Democrats might very well have all but thrown themselves into a ditch for 2020. All of that can wait, but all the action, or at least the potential for action, is in the release of the IG report. Obviously, Horowitz's bit about finding no political bias is what the Democrat-Media Complex is going to be blasting far and wide, and for the LIV crowd and brainwashed base, that is all they are going to hear. While Michael Horowitz is a creature of the Deep State who will do what he can to protect it, there are a few things worthy of noting. First, the reason he concluded he found no political bias was because none of the criminals involved were ever going to admit as such. While his egregious omission of the Strzok-Page "insurance policy" text messages are indeed infuriating, the rest of the report essentially confirms the malfeasance and utter criminality at the FBI and DoJ. That plus William Barr's and John Durham's almost instant rebuke of Horowitz's de facto "nothing-to-see-here-move-along" meme should have Deep Staters soiling their panty-girdles. Whatever comes of the final chapter in all of this, I firmly believe that the two of them are hell bent on actually taking on the Deep State. But let's leave that for later.
Barr sat down with MSLSD propagandist Pete Williams and "...called the American press "completely irresponsible" regarding claims the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump colluded with the Russians.
Barr said, "I think our nation was turned on its head for three years, I think based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by a completely irresponsible press."
He added, "... I think probably from a civil liberties standpoint, the greatest danger to our free system is that the incumbent government use the apparatus of the state - principally the law enforcement agencies and the intelligence agencies -- both to spy on political opponents but also to use them in a way that could affect the outcome of the election."
"As far as I'm aware," said Barr, "this is the first time in history that this has been done to a presidential campaign, and the use of these counter-intelligence techniques against a presidential campaign..."
I would say that the press was not so much irresponsible as it was a co-conspirator with Brennan, Comey and Clapper, especially given the fact that we now have it confirmed that Comey knew that the "pee" dossier was indeed fake news and yet he still briefed Trump on it, which was then the pretext that allowed Brennan and Clapper to leak that to the press, in this case Buzzfeed, and the conspirators used that either to bamboozle or with a nod and a wink get FISA warrants to spy on the President-elect. And the rest as they say is history. Three years of riling up an already divided nation in an effort to overthrow Trump and in their minds preserve, protect and defend their grip on power.
Rush Limbaugh, who is more and more getting to the point of Ol' Yeller Levin with an almost daily rage-stroking said:
...It's insidious. It is literally insidious. And of course there's a very, very valid question here. If in fact - which we know is bogus - but if in fact the Trump campaign had been infiltrated even unknowingly by Russians, why wouldn't they tell Trump? Do you think they would have told Hillary? They didn't have to tell Hillary. Hillary was knowingly working with Russians. Hello, Christopher Steele. Hello, Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS.
That's the rub of this. Everything that these people tried to set Trump up for Hillary was doing. Ditto in Ukraine. Everything they've tried to set Trump up for, Biden did. It's insidious what these people did. There has to have been, unquestionably, a political motive and a bias. And you know what it was? It was preventing Trump's election.
Then after he won, it was sabotaging his transition period. And then after he was inaugurated, it was about getting him thrown out of office on the basis that he had conspired with Russia and colluded and that somehow that led to an invalid presidential election. It's just insidious and they got caught. And that's why Barr and Durham are doing what they are doing...
As I have said, I am still doubtful that a cadre of individuals and perhaps dozens, if not hundreds of underlings who are the very definition of treason and insurrection will face a punishment that fits their crimes. But I do think that Barr, Durham and certainly Trump understand the gravity of this situation. If they are, as I believe they are, going to attempt to dismantle or at least neuter the people and institutions that have perverted our justice and legal systems, then they have got to bat 1.000 from here on out. Given the nature of the entrenched bureaucracy as well as still corrupt courts and the leftist propaganda arm, the situation is in doubt. But at least the enemy has been exposed and "it's on like Donkey Kong."
- AG Barr: Russia Probe Was a "Completely Bogus Narrative" Hyped by Irresponsible Press (they weren't irresponsible; they were co-conspirators - jjs)...
- ..."First Time in History" That Incumbent Gov't Spying "Has Been Done to a Presidential Campaign"
- Trump Was Right From the Beginning
- Limbaugh: Don't Be Fooled! The IG Report Confirms the Coup
- Hemingway: IG Report Confirms Schiff-for-brains FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies
- Cleveland: IG Report Shows Comey Lied to Congress About FBI Investigation of Trump Campaign
- Remember the "Pee Tape?" Yeah, Fake News... And IG Report Says Comey Knew That When He Briefed Trump
- Gumsy Page Sues DoJ, FBI for "Leaking My Messages to the Press" (can't wait for the discovery phase - jjs)
- Bruce Swartz, Textbook Swamp Dweller (helped cover up the Sandy Burger National Archive larceny - jjs)
Well, as stated above, the Democrats are pulling the trigger and I think the vote is set for tomorrow. The question is, do they even have enough votes to pass? Breitbart reports that there are 31 Dems who won in Trump districts that might not be willing to be one-term wonders all to satisfy Nancy Ponzi. One of them, Abigail Spanberger got royally reamed at a town hall meeting by her constituents who are loudly and angrily reading her the riot act if she votes to impeach. Interesting considering this is Virginia, which only recently just turned blue at least on the state legislature level. As Ace reported yesterday, it's kind of a lose-lose for these 31 whichever way they vote. Speaking of lose-lose, some Dems are trying to pull back from the kamikaze dive by pushing a censure, and that won't endear them to their base, either. Meanwhile, the headless chickens of Schiff-for-Brains and Nancy Ponzi are running each other down with claims and counterclaims on whether or not impeachment is about 2020. And as all this plays out, Trump's approval numbers tick up; he's now above Obama's at this time during his term. Also a little reminder of Obama's antics in strong-arming foreign governments vis a vis quid pro quo. Lastly, if this goes to trial in the Senate, can we replace Lindsey Graham with Jim Jordan? I mean, like, what the hell? Could it be that Lindsey among others is also up to his neck in Ukrainian graft? Nah, that's just crazy talk.
- 31 Trump District Democrats Will Decide Impeachment's Fate in House
- Report: Group Of Democrats Considering Censure Instead Of Impeachment
- Brutal GOP Ad Exposes Democrats On Impeachment: "It's All About Politics"
- Schiff-for-Brains Confirms Impeachment of Trump is All About 2020
- Nancy Ponzi Contradicts Schiff-for-Brains: Impeachment "Isn't About Elections"
- "Incredible Bullshit": Democrat Rep. Abigail Spanberger Faces Constituents' Wrath Over Impeachment Support
- White House: Trump "Will Address" Impeachment Charges in the Senate
- Goodwin: Dems' Impeachment Announcement Was Sad, Pathetic and Weird
- Five Times Obama Put Conditions on Foreign Aid and Democrats Didn't Care
- Senate GOP Not Expected to Call Hunter Biden to Testify in Impeachment Trial (okay, what the hell is Lindsey covering up? - jjs)
- Quid Pro Quo Equals Trump Twice
So, Mayor Buttplug is in hot water over his time working as a consultant at McKinsey for corporations (Blue Cross among others) that fired workers and jacked up prices, Rabbi Fischer rips Nancy Ponzi over her apostasy, and Daniel Greenfield dissects John Kerry's latest shady dealings with Vietnam and how it dovetails with his endorsement of Joey Leg-Hairs.
- Mayor Buttplug Releases Names of Clients He Worked For at McKinsey, Potential Red Flags Emerge
- Rabbi Fischer: When Devout Catholics Grimaced Over Nancy Palsi's "As a Catholic" Hypocrisy
- Greenfield: John Kerry Goes From Hanoi to New Hampshire
ICE and DoJ defend student visa fraud sting ops, Feds check under cushions and find loose change and illegal Chi-Coms but mostly illegal Chi-Coms, Doomberg is an open borders disaster, and I hope the President does not sign on to this fiasco.
- "This Was No Secret": ICE, DoJ Respond to Criticism of Sting That Busted Students Committing Visa Fraud
- Feds Foil Attempt to Smuggle 11 Chinese Nationals Across the Border Hidden in Furniture
- Bite-Size Billionaire Big Gulp: Unacceptable Presidential Candidate (big time open borders pimp - jjs)
- Reform Groups Rally Opposition to Farmworker Amnesty, H-2A Outsourcing Vote on Wednesday
Violence ramps up as goons attack college Republican in Sacramento State, cops to investigate teacher for pulling off kid's pro-Trump button, Tom Homan slams wrist-slap of goon who threatened ICE agents and thank G-d we're armed to the teeth, unlike Europeans.
- College Republican President Attacked at Sacramento State
- Police Investigating Teacher For Pulling Off Student's "Women For Trump" Pin
- Former ICE Chief Tom Homan Slams Acquittal of Man Who Threatened ICE Agents
- Antifa Home Invasions: "Can It Happen Here?"
So, yesterday's Jersey City shootout that left one cop dead might have been a pre-planned anti-Semitic attack? Stay tuned...
- Jersey City Mayor Says Gunmen "Targeted" Jewish Grocery at Center of Yesterday's Shootout
Trump with another great rally in Hershey, PA where he goofed on "Alfred E. Newman" Buttplug, Tulsi Coffeecake fed up with Dem debate shenanigans, uh-oh Ted Yoho?, Joey Bribem gets away with political murder, Toothy McBigTits sticks foot in donkey mouth yet again, and a look at Black Republicans.
- President Trump Says He "Dreams" About Running Against Mayor Buttplug
- Tulsi Coffeecake Won't Attend December Debate Even If She Qualifies
- Republican Rep. Ted Yoho Announces He Won't Seek Re-Election
- How Joe Bribem Gets Away With Calling a Voter a Fat, Dumb, Liar
- Toothy McBigTits AOC Compares Mothers to Dogs in Paid Family Leave Hearing
- Justifiably Proud: The Standing of Blacks in the Republican Party
CNN forced to retract 2017 story about Manafort and FISA surveillance, Time Magazine to make Eric Ciaramella the Person of the Year, Warner Brothers backs Eastwood and rips the Urinal-Constipation, media go apeshit over Richard Jewell portraying them truthfully, media covering for the anti-American front group SPLC, Bongino slaps Daily Yeast with defamation suit, and government regulation of porn.
- CNN Forced to Correct 2017 Manafort Bombshell Following IG Report
- Time Set to Name Whistleblower, Impeachment Witnesses "Person of the Year" (Eric Ciaramella was never a witness and the articles have nothing to do with his "testimony" - jjs)
- Warner Bros Backs Eastwood Film, Unloads On Newspaper Threatening Lawsuit
- Reporters Enraged Over Media Portrayal in Richard Jewell
- The Media Again Buries the Truth About the SPLC
- Dan Bongino Files $15 Million Defamation Suit Against "Daily Beast"
- Of Course the Government Can Regulate Porn
Pensacola should be a wake up call about the need for self-defense and Islam, and resistance in Virginia forces Dems to back off. For now.
- Family of Pensacola Shooting Victim Calls on Government to Change Rule Banning Guns on Military Bases
- Sitting Ducks: Why Are Our Soldiers Disarmed on Our Own Bases?
- Virginia Dems Cave on Confiscation as 2A Sanctuaries Expand (for now; keep your powder dry - jjs)
Hope for Bo-Jo and Brexit after all? Also, US and Farsis reach rare accord in prisoner swaps, meh; trading Turkey for the KSA is like swapping eye-shingles for projectile colitis, three perspectives on the Chi-Coms, Pamela Geller on Robert Spencer's latest work exploding the myth of "Palestine," and tourists caught in the Kiwi volcano.
- UK: Boris Johnson's Conservative Party Has Large Lead In Polls Ahead of Thursday's Election
- These 4 Factors Will Likely Determine the UK Election Outcome
- In Rare Diplomatic Breakthrough, US, Iran See Eye to Eye on Prisoner Swaps
- Turkey, Not Saudi Arabia, Is Key to Resisting Iran
- "I Thought I Would Die There": Former Chinese Labor Camp Prisoner Tells His Heartrending Story
- A Troubling Sign for the Vatican's Deal with China's Communist Party
- Xi Jinping: 2019 Was a "Challenging" Year for Communism
- Geller: At Last, a Realistic Look at the Israeli-"Palestinian" Conflict
- Tourists Inside Crater of New Zealand Volcano Moments Before Eruption
Angelo Codevilla delves into the FISA courts in the wake of the coup against Trump and sanity in the wake of Pensacola.
- Codevilla: What About the FISA Court?
- Flight Training Suspended For Saudi Students After Shooting
Religion of Peace-niks rack up the body count in Kenya.
- Report: 9 Christians Murdered in Kenya for Refusing to Recite Islamic Creed
On the Deep State, Administrative State and bureaucracy that turned the nation upside down.
- Progressivism and Globalism: A Double Dose of Bad
Dems pass the critical USMCA trade deal and give Trump a huge policy win even as they try to take him down. Meh, it's a bizarre way to try to shield themselves from the latter even as they do it. Elsewhere, even without Amazon, Long Island City booms, and two looks at the legacy of Paul Volcker. One word: stagflation.
- "Ludicrous Optics": House Democrats Praise Trump's USMCA Trade Deal as They Unveil Their Effort to Impeach Him
- Long Island City, Without Amazon
- The Tall Man: The Legacy of Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker
- Paul Volcker's Voodoo Economics
What the hell is going on in Kentucky and the wages of criminal justice reform.
- Kentucky Family Court Judge Accused of Threesomes in Chambers, Drinking, and Debauchery
- Michigan Career Criminal Charged with Home Invasion Murder 5 Days After Getting Out of Jail
Molly DeVos rips commie UFT hack Randi Weingarten a new one over the latter's lies and bullshit about school choice.
- "It's Time For a Lesson": Molly DeVos Fires Back At Teacher Union Head
Dems healthcare is a disaster and a look at the resurgent drug crisis.
- On Health Care, the Choice Will Be Easy in 2020
- What Happened to "Just Say No?"
Yuuuge victory over the Doomberg and Soros-led lawfare against oil companies and Joey Leg-Hairs belches up more demented idiocy.
- Exxon Found "Not Guilty" in Politically Motivated Climate Change Suit (yuuge, and in a New York court - jjs)
- Joey Leg-Hairs: No More Coal Plants Thanks to Clean Energy Investments (no more WV and PA votes either - jjs)
Maybe this might have something to do with the climate?
- Sunspot Update Nov 2019: The Longest Flatline in Centuries
It would be horrific if this woman's studio or home suddenly went up in flames. Yup.
- Woman Photographs Boys Dressed As Princesses: "The More Photos of Boys Playing Princess... The More Normal It Will Become"
Gwei-lo forced out for stealing ancient Chinese secret in Rotten Apple, another garbage attempt to hurt Richard Jewell and Salena Zito with a positive story about a veteran and his business.
- Asian Restaurant In NYC Forced To Close Because Critics Say White Owner "Culturally Appropriated" Chinese Cuisine
- Richard Jewell Now Faces a Boycott Over "Sexist" Depiction of Female Reporter
- Zito: He Makes a Village
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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