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December 08, 2019
Hope For Casualties! The Newest Internecine Struggle On The Left Is Popcorn And Pudding Worthy!
It's a Politico article, so don't click!. But it is a clear signal that the hard Left is becoming frustrated with the superannuated Democrat leadership, and wants change now. It's hard to see anyone on the national stage who would give them what Warren constantly signals as her platform (Sanders is, perhaps, different, but no farther left), but that's simply not enough for these heirs to the Weathermen and the SDS and every other left-wing organization that espouses the overthrow of free markets, free speech, and every other freedom we have.
How the Cool Kids of the Left Turned on Elizabeth Warren
Millennial socialists’ favorite magazine is breaking up with Elizabeth Warren. But it’s saying: It’s not me. It’s you.
That magazine is Jacobin, the nine-year-old publication that has become the de facto voice of the young socialist movement in America. Its favorite candidate all along has been Bernie Sanders, the only self-proclaimed socialist to mount a major campaign for the presidency of the United States since Eugene Debs almost 100 years ago. But for many months, as the 2020 campaign began to unfold, Jacobin treated Warren as the next best thing.
I don't know about you, but I am rooting for both sides! Let this be the beginning of a long, brutal nasty, underhanded battle for the soul (if they have one) of the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party, otherwise known as their base.
As Churchill famously said (or didn't say),
If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain.
I would disagree with the first point, but wholeheartedly embrace the second...