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November 21, 2019
Liberal Media Democrat Joe Scarborough: It's Time We Democrats Had an Uncomfortable Discussion About Joe Biden's Diminished Cognitive Function
SCARBOROUGH: Of course, Willie, he's struggling there. He’s closing his eyes. He knows he's having trouble finding words. The sentences are jumbled, the words are jumbled. I just worried when I read -- you see this and, listen, I’m just saying, I think Biden has the best chance of beating Trump. I do. Like if he's on his game. But I just wonder, is the media grading Joe Biden on a scale? Are we afraid to say that a lot of his sentences don't make sense? That he's having trouble completing thoughts? That when he’s asked in a previous debate about Afghanistan an issue he knows more about than anybody, not only on that stage, but in Washington, D.C., he ends up stumbling through an answer on Iraq. Are we grading him on a scale the same way people have always graded Donald Trump on a scale in these debates?
GEIST: Yes. The answer is yes.
Other partisan Democrats are taking a different tack: They're implicitly admitting there is a cognitive problem on display, but they claim that this is only because Joe Biden has a stutter he won't admit to, and his problem speaking cogent sentences and remembering words is due to... I guess due to him using too much of his Genius Brain to correct his stutter?
And because most of his Genius Brain is so deployed, managing his stutter, he does not have the remaining brainpower to remember what words he said one second ago, or even who is on stage with him?
Is this how stuttering works? Trying to correct your stutter makes your brain take little narcoleptic naps mid-sentence?
Here, let me answer that: No.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:10 PM
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