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November 21, 2019
Polls: Support for Impeachment Dropping, Trump Gains on His Democrat Opponents, Now Leading (Within the Margin of Error) Three of the Four Top Democrat Challengers
A Morning Consult poll from a couple of days ago found that opposition to impeachment had jumped ten points.
Opposition by independents to the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry jumped 10 percentage points in the last week, according to a Politico–Morning Consult poll released Tuesday.
The poll showed 47 percent of independents opposed the inquiry, compared to 37 percent last week. Meanwhile support for the inquiry by independents fell 7 points to 40 percent.
Support for the inquiry among all respondents fell 2 points to 48 percent, while opposition to it rose 3 points to 45 percent.
Now comes an Emmerson poll, confirming these basic findings, and showing Trump ahead of three of the four top Democrat candidates, and trailing only one -- Sanders, oddly enough -- by 1%.
Pop-Pop Biden seems like a paper tiger.
If you can't read that:
HUGE --> Another poll finds impeachment backfiring.
* Trump approval "bounced" 5 points to 48% (was 43% in October)
* Support for impeachment drops 5 points.
* A SEISMIC 30-point swing among independents, who now OPPOSE impeachment by 15 points.
Further details:
A new Emerson poll finds President Trump’s approval has increased in the last month with 48% approval and 47% disapproval, a bounce from 43% approval in the last Emerson National poll in October. Support for impeachment has flipped since October from 48% support with 44% opposing to now 45% opposed and 43% in support. The biggest swing is among Independents, who oppose impeachment now 49% to 34%, which is a reversal from October where they supported impeachment 48% to 39%.
The president’s support in the Republican primary increased this month to 93% against primary challengers Bill Weld and Joe Walsh. Trump's head to head matchups in the General Election against the top Democratic candidates have also tightened since October, now trailing Sanders by 1 point and leading his other three potential opponents.

I assume Trump is actually beating Warren but both of their numbers get rounded down or up to 50%. Obviously, these aren't big leads.
BTW, there's an impeachment thread below, if you want a thread specifically for discussion about the fake impeachment hearings.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:08 PM
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