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November 22, 2019
Michelle Malkin: Gatekeepers and Deplatformers, Both on the Left and the "Snotty Libertarian" Fake Right, Have Decided That I Must Now Be #Cancelled
I have my own ideas about who should be deplatformed, purged, and publicly harassed.
Marginalizing all champions of secure borders and sovereignty as "haters" is SPLC's bread and butter. Even after its hate-manufacturing character assassins have been discredited as poverty palace scam artists by liberal journalists, the group succeeds in executing attacks on political opponents through willing and able media surrogates. The New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, CNN, PBS and MSNBC have all regurgitated SPLC’s release of leaked emails between senior White House adviser Stephen Miller and a former editor for the conservative Breitbart website. Miller, who is Jewish, has been attacked repeatedly as a "white nationalist" for recommending immigration restrictionist books and websites that the powers that be don't want anyone to read...
When I delivered the same message on Fox News two months upon my book launch[,] globalist billionaire George Soros's lying henchmen at Media Matters compared me to the Tree of Life synagogue shooter and hurled "anti-Semite" epithets at me. More recently, when I defended conservative nationalist students who confronted establishment GOP representatives at campus events held by Turning Point USA and the Young America's Foundation with serious questions about the detrimental consequences of mass migration, the Keepers of the Gate called on me to be de-platformed and cast out of the conservative "mainstream."
Both the open borders left and right don't want to address immigration-induced demographics. They just want to demagogue, while joining together in D.C. to push expanded guest-worker pipelines (S.B. 386), agribusiness amnesties (H.R. 4916), and massive "Dreamer" work permits (H.R. 6). Employing the very witch hunt tactics of the left that so many conservative pundits purport to abhor, YAF and others (including Jonah Goldberg, David French, various snot-nosed libertarians from the Washington Examiner and elsewhere) demand that I disavow the young nationalist disrupters who have captured social media attention over the past three weeks. Don't rely on slanted summaries of what they've said and done. Go to the original sources, as I have done in communicating with many of these earnest students who think for themselves.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:35 PM
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