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November 22, 2019
The Morning Rant

"If there's one thing that makes the NeverTrumpers (of both parties) pound their tiny little fists in despair, it's their complaint that "Trump's supporters never criticize him." This is usually followed up with snark about "the Trump Cult", and how CNN could show live footage of him banging hotties in the Oval Office while giving our nuclear codes to Putin via the hot line and we wouldn't complain. Of course, that's not news, that's CNN, so we would automatically think they're probably using unsourced footage from a guy who got it from a guy who got it from the DNC.
"But I have a similar complaint about the NeverTrumpers. Namely, Trump could flip ever single federal court in the country, pass deregulation that would boost our economic output by a factor of five, and squash Islamic terrorism around the globe once and for all, and the NeverTrumpers would still be crying about his mean tweets and writing articles about the conservative case for voting for Democrats.
"So they can eff right off. But I know that Trump is not above criticism. But after 3 days of this impeachment farce, it is now clear that the president's biggest failure has been the horrifically bad job he's done with personnel. He doesn't seem to know how to pick people. I get the impression that the way to do well in a job interview with him is to kiss his ass a lot, and you've got the job. Maybe that works in the NY real estate market, but it hasn't served him well as president.
"It's been so bad that I think we've been lucky that there haven't been more of these traitorous deep state moles undermining him and screwing things up for him.
"I think he needs to do some serious housecleaning. Any Obama admin holdover should be immediately given the left foot of fellowship. And perhaps he should deputize an HR chief, someone who he can trust absolutely, who would be responsible for all of the hiring and vetting of personnel.
"Maybe he's been “naïve”. Maybe he underestimated how bad the opposition was. Fair enough. But ultimately, the personnel failures are his responsibility."
(h/t Mollie Hemingway)
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posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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