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November 20, 2019
Doc_Zero/John Hayward: The Media Is Going Full Orwell to Protect Their Narrative That Only Trump Ever Put "Kids In Cages"
We have always been at war with Oceana, and we'll delete any prior news articles saying otherwise.
His post is about AFP's falsely claiming that 2015 numbers about the number of migrant children "kept in cages" was about Trump.
When it was pointed out that these were Obama's numbers, not Trump's, the AP did not correct -- they deleted the story entirely, memory-holed it, obliterated it from the public record.
Doc_Zero on the Fact-Based Truth Community's constant lies, and mass delusions:
Rarely has there been a more dramatic example of epistemic closure than Democrats refusing to admit Obama put kids in cages. Confronted with iron-clad evidence, they respond by deleting the evidence and pretending nobody saw it. They simply cannot admit it happened.
Of course, it's partly because they worked hard to cook up a cheap hit against Trump and they think it worked, so they'll dynamite any story that threatens their precious narrative. Right now they're literally deleting news items about the huge number of kids in cages in 2015.
It's also because the Left is all-in on using the "kids in cages" narrative as a cudgel to beat Americans into accepting open borders. They desperately want to set up a false choice between zero border control and "concentration camps."
If the Left admitted that Obama put kids in cages too - and did it MORE than Trump! - they would have to examine the reasons WHY Obama did it. They believe in his messianic innocence as deeply as they think Trump is evil, so they'd have to do some very uncomfortable thinking.
Treating "kids in cages" as some wanton act of arbitrary cruelty by xenophobes shields leftists from thinking about the people who throw their children at the border, about human traffickers, about how children are being used and abused as props.
And if their precious shielded minds are confronted with the reality of what Barack Obama did, they might begin thinking even more unsettling and forbidden thoughts about how and why that information was kept hidden from them for so long.
Why didn't any of their ultra-compassionate and enlightened Democrat leaders give a damn about kids in cages in 2015? Why didn't the courageous firefighting Guardians of Truth in the media report it? Who DID reports on it? Deplorable conservative sites like Breitbart!
It's rare to see a single fact that would shatter an entire worldview like the truth of Obama and children incarcerated at the border. Lefties cannot accept that fact - it would blow up everything they believe in a chain reaction. So they don't accept it. They delete it. /end

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:02 PM
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