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November 20, 2019
Oh, Dear: In Crucial Battleground Wisconsin, Support for Impeachment Falls 4%, and Trump Now Leads... The Entire Democrat Field
In October, 44% of Wisconsin voters supported impeachment, and 51% opposed it. Now 40% support impeachment, and 53% oppose it.
And he's now beating Biden in Wisconsin 47-44. In October, he was losing to Biden 50-44.
In October, Trump was losing to Sanders 48-46. Now he's beating Sanders 48-45.
Even Warren was beating Trump in October, per this poll, 47-46. Now Trump is beating her 48-43.
Trump was leading Buttigieg, barely, in October, 45-43. Now he's expanded that lead to 47-39.
Don't get complacent, though: I've been repeatedly informed by NeverTrump and the left (but I repeat myself) that Trump would Literally Blow Up the Earth in his first term. That's obviously going to put a crimp in his polling.
Gonna be hard to spin a Blowed-Up Earth, if I'm being honest. Hard to come up with a Positive Take.
I mean, if I just lift from the National Review stylebook, I could say "Two Cheers for the Destruction of the Entire Planet," and talk about all the upside, while including one to-be-sure caveat sentence about why it's kind of bad for Conservative Values that all of humanity is now dead.
But hey -- lower tariffs!!!!

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:00 PM
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