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November 14, 2019
"South Park" Mocks Trans "Women" Beating the Hell Out of Actual Women in Sporting Competitions
The trans "woman" in the show, who is clearly based on pro wrestler Randy "The Macho Man" Savage, used to be identify as a man two weeks before the competition.
He beats the hell out of the actual women.
The trans "woman" calls himself "Heather Swanson."
PC Principal's girlfriend and mother of his PC Babies, Vice Principal Strong Woman, sought to defend her title at the Strong Woman Competition, but not all went as planned when a trans athlete in the mold of former WWF wrestler Macho Man joined in and beat up on the competition...
Perry: Okay, Heather Swanson is actually joining us now. Ms. Swanson, how does it feel to be competing today?
Heather: I can't tell you how free I feel now that I've started identifying as a woman. Now that I can compete as female, I'm ready to smash the other girls!
Perry: And is it correct you just starting identifying as female two weeks ago?
Heather: I'm not here to talk about my transition. I'm here to kick some [bleep] ass. Let me tell you something, Dingleberry –
Perry: David Perry.
Heather: I'm gonna roll up the other women here, and I'm gonna smoke 'em. I am the strongest woman this state has ever seen!
The character "PC Principle" apparently has a children called "the PC Babies," and the show makes a joke of noting that the "PC babies" will be upset that he dared to challenge a trans "woman's" claim to be a female athlete.
Full episode here, a couple of clips below.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:08 PM
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