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November 07, 2019
And Now AP: Mormons Killed in Mexico Deserved It Because Of Mormon History of Polygamy
This is... absolutely disgusting.
And they're all on the same page.
They cannot stop writing articles claiming that White Colonizers need to be slaughtered by the Oppressed Brown Resistance.
They've now deleted this tweet, but this is what it said:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is forced to confront its history of polygamy after nine women and children from a Mormon offshoot where some practice plural marriage died in a cartel ambush in Mexico.
While the tweet was deleted, the story is still live, and it's here.
Mexican killings spotlight Mormon history with polygamy
The slaying in Mexico of nine people who belonged to a Mormon offshoot community where some people practice polygamy spotlights the mainstream church’s struggle to distance itself from plural marriage, which has a history in the faith but has long been denounced.
The victims’ connection to Mormonism featured prominently in headlines this week about the drug cartel attack on a caravan of American women and children living in Mexico, though there’s no indication they were targeted for their religion.
Then why are you bringing it up, except to suggest that the White Colonizers deserved to be murdered?
It's time to do a Routine Background Check on everyone in the media.
Meanwhile, James O'Keefe says "stay tuned."
What does this mean? No idea. Maybe an interview? Maybe a disguised-identity interview which nevertheless demonstrates that the source is actually a man?
We shall see.
By the way, did you know that Epstein didn't kill himself?
Good night!

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:59 PM
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