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November 04, 2019
Mitt Romney Has the Support of 81% of Americans
Wait, My Mistake, Reverse That: Mitt Romney Is Supported by Eighteen Percent of Americans
This WSJ poll from the weekend finds, on page 8, that 2% feel "very" positively towards Romney (essentially, the Bulwark, Dispatch, and their Beta Orbiters on Twitter), 16% feel somewhat positively towards him, 37% are neutral towards him, 19% are somewhat negative and 19% are very negative towards him.
Bear in mind, this was the Republican candidate for president just seven short years ago.
He had the support then of around 48% of the country.
What has caused him to plummet to Flakian levels of disapproval?
Who knows, who can say.
But it might have something to do with the fact that Jonathan Haidt's studies into how liberals and conservatives rank virtues points out that conservatives think that loyalty is important, and that disloyalty is despicable, unlike liberals, who think "fairness" is more important than anything, including loyalty.
And maybe some conservatives have noticed that Mitt Romney and the Former Ruling Class Republicans are only loyal to themselves, and contemptuous of the rest of us. We exist only to serve them and their peculiar interests, and when we decide we've had enough of acting as servants to bumpkin faux aristocrats, they viciously attack us and attempt to put us "back in our places."
BTW, Adam Schiff has the support of 16% of the country.
Bien joue', Pierre.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:57 PM
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