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October 15, 2019
Antifa Vandalizes Oregon Democrat Party Headquarters With Graffitti Urging Violence Against Cops, and the Oregon Democrat Party... Defends Antifa's Right to Grieve In Their Own Way
The SUV that fled after hitting an antifa thug then crashed into the local Democrat offices, where I guess it was abandoned.
Then antifa came and vandalized those offices.
How does the Democrat Party, which CNN's Jake Tapper tells me is not at all supportive of antifa, react?
By making excuses for Antifa.
But they're not aligned or anything.
Andy Ngo has a great thread about the pipsqueak fascist killed over the weekend, and antifas' threats to not speak to the police about it.
Which suggests this was an antifa-on-antifa crime.
Antifa are, after all, very insistent on the point that you not report the felonies of any antifa member:
Via Tim Pool, who talks about the case, and the left wing's silence about it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:16 PM
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