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October 15, 2019
#Woke NBA Hero LeBron James Wanted to Know Why Houston Rockets GM Morey Wasn't Being Punished For Supporting Hong Kong Protesters
Update: Hong Kong Now Burning LeBron's Jersey
I already knew he was a bitch, but now I find out he's a snitch.
NBA star LeBron James reportedly pressured the NBA to punish the Rockets' General Manager Daryl Morey after he tweeted support for Hong Kong.
James argued that if something a NBA player had tweeted had cost the league money they would have been punished, and questioned why the same wasn't happening to Morey, according to Dave McMenamin on ESPN.
LeBron, the tattletale bitch sissy, had previously whined that Morey was not properly educated about China like LeBron is, and furthermore, that Freedom of Speech is a lie.
"We all talk about this freedom of speech -- yes, we all do have freedom of speech, but at times there are ramifications for the negative that can happen when you’re not thinking about others and only thinking about yourself," James said during a press conference Monday. "I don't want to get into a word or sentence feud with Daryl Morey, but I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand."
Previously, LeBron was seen whining that Daryl Morey hadn't considered the suffering of multimillionaire NBA players when expressing support of people being beaten in the streets.
Lebron had tweeted:
"My team and this league just went through a difficult week. I think people need to understand what a tweet or statement can do to others. And I believe nobody stopped and considered what would happen. Could have waited a week to send it."
What a difficult week! So much first-class travel and five star hotels and Michelin-rated restaurants!
You know you can actually get a massage on some expensive first-class flights? What a hardship.
Why didn't Morey think of Poor You instead of the protesters being shot and beaten in Hong Kong?
How do you find the strength to endure, Little Soldier?
Right on, LeBron. Millions in Hong Kong are fearful that their entire way of life is about to change, and thousands upon thousands of protesters are risking their lives to make a stand for their freedom and their future. Why would Morey think about them when your preseason vacation and your bank account is at stake? How selfish of him.
If only Morey had done what you did Monday, LeBron, and tacitly admit that the only thing that really matters is your ability to sell shoes and market "Space Jam 2" in a country of 1.4 billion, we could have had an intellectually honest discussion about doing business in China and the cost of free speech in a country where only propaganda is tolerated.
Be sure to check out Jason Whitlock's analysis of the situation, which is that the NBA is a minor player compared to Big Shoe (Nike first and foremost).
And China is very important to Big Shoe, both as a market and, of course, as its chief manufacturing center.
So to hell with Hong Kong. Keep those Nike endorsement checks coming.
#Cancel his ass.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:15 PM
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