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October 15, 2019
Hunter Biden: Why No, I Didn't Know Anything About Energy or Gas, But I Was Totally Qualified to be a Board Member of Burisma
Because his job wasn't about gas or energy, but about peddling influence.
And Hunter Biden knows all about that particular industry.
"You didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or Ukraine itself," Robach told Biden in an interview on Good Morning America.
"No, but I think I had as much knowledge as anyone else on that board, if not more," Biden said.
Robach also asked him what his qualifications were for the board of a natural gas company. Biden pointed to his time on the board of Amtrak, his position as chairman of the board of the U.N. World Food Programme, and his time at a prestigious law firm.
Robach asked Biden if he thinks he would have gotten any of these prestigious positions if his last name weren't Biden, and he said he wasn't sure.
"I don't know. Probably not. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn't Biden," he said.
Hunter Biden claimed that being on the board of Amtrak -- a government-owned company that only exists due to his father's political patronage of the outfit -- made him qualified to serve on Burisma's board.
The Free Beacon then wondered: What made him qualified to serve on the board of his dad's favorite tax-suck?
Well, his qualifications were... that he rode trains a lot.
No seriously.
Hunter Biden's only qualification for obtaining a seat on the Amtrak board of directors in 2006 was that he often rode trains.
That's according to his father Joe Biden's Delaware colleague in the Senate, Tom Carper, who offered the sole nomination speech for the younger Biden when his name was presented in the Senate Commerce Committee. In his prepared remarks, Carper said Biden would be an "excellent addition" to the board, but was unable to list any reason beyond his frequent use of trains.
"More significantly, Hunter has spent a lot of time on Amtrak trains," Carper said after listing schools Biden attended. "Like his father, Rep. Mike Castle and myself, Hunter Biden has lived in Delaware while using Amtrak to commute to his job in Washington, D.C."
"You learn a lot about what works and what could work better at Amtrak by riding those trains," Carper said.
Below, video of Graft-Hunter Biden answering these questions.
Jack Posobiec's text -- that Graft-Hunter "melts down" -- is frankly Fake News and will spoil it for you by raising expectations.
Still, he's not able to explain why he has blundered into one high-paying gig at companies reliant on government support or indulgence after another.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:14 PM
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