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October 02, 2019
Lee Smith: Democrats, Media (But I Repeat Myself) Have Ginned Up Ukraine Hoax to Pressure Barr Into Ending Russia Hoax Investigation
Instapundit calls it a "spoiling attack." Perhaps they're going on the offensive in order to get Barr and Trump to agree to a truce in which they don't get exposed, fired, and imprisoned.
But the hell with that.
The Democrat/Media position is currently this dog's breakfast: It was good and proper for Obama to inveigle Australia to help frame George Papadoplous with Russia gossip that itself came from a US undercover operative, but it is illegal and impeachable for Trump or Barr to ask Australia about the details of the Obama frame-up of Papadopolous.
You can only ask foreign officials for dirt on Trump -- you can't ask them about who asked them to supply dirt on Trump.
New York Times reporting on a second call between President Trump and a foreign leader -- this time Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison -- has sent the media into a frenzy. Liberals have predictably dialed up their impeachment calls.
Don't go along: What Democrats and their media allies really want is to torpedo Attorney General William Barr’s probe into the origins of the Russian "collusion" hoax....
Even if one thinks mentioning Biden on the Ukraine call was ill-advised, it’s hard to see what's objectionable about the Australia call. After all, the bipartisan consensus to uncover possible foreign interference in the 2016 election led to Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation. To get to the bottom of foreign interference, Barr needs the cooperation of...foreign officials.
And there’s the rub. Democrats and the anti-Trump media were determined to keep the focus on Trump and Russia. Republicans, on the other hand, dismissed the collusion narrative, which turned out to be bunk, as the Mueller report determined. Instead, the right pointed at coordination between the Hillary Clinton campaign and other foreign powers.
Democrats and the media say that's a right-wing conspiracy theory. But just because something isn't in the Mueller report doesn’t mean it isn't true. Thanks to reporting by Politico, for example, we know of efforts by Clinton operatives to solicit information from the Ukrainian government on dirty Trump campaign officials.
The whistleblower complaint and the manic news reports of the Australia call both serve the same dual purpose: to advance the anti-Trump operation and to shield its perpetrators by smearing Barr and thereby discrediting the investigations under his authority.
Lee Smith's book, The Plot Against the President, comes out October 29.
Instapundit also links this as a related story:
And then there's this:

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:03 PM
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