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October 02, 2019
Steve Bannon Says Hillary Clinton is Running in 2020, and Is Trying to Elbow Her Way Into the Contest
Powering through a minor case of losing an election spectacularly:
"She is running. She's just trying to decide how to fit her way in," he told Fox Business Monday evening, predicting that she could take over the centrist lane from Joe Biden.
I've searched for support for the idea that Hillary hasn't ruled out a 2020 run and can't find any. In May 2019, she said she wasn't running. In October 2018, she did say she didn't know if she'd run, and would decide after the mid-terms; based on her May 2019 statement, it looks like she decided "no."
So I think that tweet is just a joke.
But there is a lot of rumor/speculation about it.
Here comes "The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience" -- all 464 pages of it.
Indeed, the new book of essays now landing on the shelves is written by Mrs. Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton, is published by Simon & Schuster. Some informed observers speculate the book could be yet another indicator -- along with increased public appearances and commentary -- that Mrs. Clinton pines for a political comeback.
What kind of comeback? Oh, maybe the bumper stickers will read BIDEN/CLINTON 2020, WARREN/CLINTON 2020 -- or even CLINTON/CLINTON 2020. Who the heck knows?
Michael Goodwin urges her to run, if only for her mental health.
It has been said that there are only two cures for those bitten by the presidential bug: election or death. Poor Hillary Clinton.
The most famous loser of a presidential campaign is peddling another book, so each day interviewers ask her vapid questions about how she feels. Naturally, she responds with vapid variations on a theme: Donald Trump is no good, he stole the election, the world is ending, I'm fine, thank you.
Only she’s not fine, or she wouldn’t continue to embarrass herself by trying to rewrite history. She lost the election fair and square and even the "resistance" movement no longer pretends otherwise.
Yet nearly three years after the votes were counted and the states were called, and months after Robert Mueller found no collusion with Russia, she still has the nerve to insist that Trump is an "illegitimate president."
Her refusal to accept Trump’s election can mean only one thing: In her own mind, she won the election and she’s the real president. Oh dear.
In that case, we have another problem with only two options. She can see a shrink, or prove she's right.
Run, Hillary, run.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:59 PM
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