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September 30, 2019
Brooklyn Buzzfeeder Who #Cancelled Carson King, and Then Got #Cancelled Himself, Claims He's The Victim Here, and the Victim of "Right-Wing Ideologues"
I like how he added in that now I know what it's like to be a woman or a minority.
Other Buzzfeeders -- and Buzzfeed pioneered and monetized this scalp-hunting madness -- rushed to say that social media scalp-hunting isn't faaaair when deployed against its chief practioners:
Aaron Calvin wants to thank all the people who reached out to him or were "physically with [him]."
It should be noted that some NeverTrumper Virtue Signalers spent days virtue signalling their hatred of the right for finding and publicizing Aaron Calvin's old, racist tweets -- but not saying anything much about Aaron Calvin digging up Carson King's even older racist tweets.
By the way, super-lawyer Ron Coleman notes that Griswold's preferred epithet for icky conservatives -- "toddlers" -- just so happens to be the insult of choice recently adopted by Media Matters personnel:

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:20 PM
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