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September 23, 2019
The Morning Report - 9/23/19
Good morning kids. Another week and yet another phony scandal-bigger-than-Watergate with which the Democrat-Left-Media Complex hopes to eject President Trump from power. Bug-eyed booger-eater Adam Schiff-for-Brains is cocksure that this time he has got Trump exactly where he wants him. And yet again, as he plummets off the top of El Capitan holding 10 sticks of lit TNT with a 20-ton boulder following his trajectory by a few seconds, President Trump is peering over the edge with a bemused look. And then it's "meep-meep mo-fo!" as he races off to continue winning so much, we all get tired of it.
As Clarice Feldman in American Thinker states:
Congressman Adam Schiff (to experience the deep void, look into his eyes) has fallen into a trap in which he aims at the president and wounds his party's front-runner, Joe Biden, instead. It's not my imagination. MSN's Chris Hayes tweets: "I am watching this something turn into a story about Biden and am going to pass out..."
"...There is also a very strong similarity between Schiff's consistent lies about the Mueller investigation and the phony Russian Collusion story and the effort to remove the President for trying to repair relations with Ukraine, relations jeopardized by the former administration's corruption. He hopes the moribund press will broadcast his claims loudly and readers will not go beyond those headlines. In the meantime, as is their wont, the hysterical press on the left is drooling over the possibility of another impeachment angle, all else having failed to work and the President's popularity growing as their candidates manage to turn off tranche after tranche of voters.
Once again, Schiff pushed hard on the revolving door and it's about to smack him and his party in the face. This coming week, President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky are set to meet. Watch for it.
Read the whole thing. Ms. Feldman does quite a thorough job of actual journalism in listing the who, what, where, and why of all of this and, yet again it's deja-vu all over again with Deep State Leftist operatives within our intel and foreign policy bureaucracies out to sabotage the President's pro-American/anti-globalist foreign policy and ultimately the President himself. Sadly, it seems that the more patently obvious the smears and sabotage are, the more eager the saboteurs and backstabbers putatively on our side to open their cake-holes and emit odious blather. I give you Mittelschmerz Romney.
- Whistleblower Had No "Direct Knowledge" Of Trump Telephone Call... Just "Hearsay"
- Ukraine "Bombshell" Will Explode in Democrat Faces
- Trump: "Radical Left Democrats" and "Little Adam Schiff... Are At It Again"
- The Anti-Trump Whistleblower Story Looks Like Another Phony Scandal
- Schiff-for-Brains Shafts Biden
- Ukrainian Foreign Minister Says He Doesn't "Think There Was Any Coercion" From Trump To Zelensky
- Devin Nunes: Ukraine Will Sink Biden's Campaign, Not Trump's Presidency
- Joe Bidet Says He Never Discussed Hunter Bidet's Ukraine Deal... Hunter Says He Did
- Schiff-for-Brains: Impeachment Might Be Remedy to Trump's "Evil" Bullying of Ukraine
- Mittelschmerz Romney Says Trump Allegedly Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden Is Extremely "Troubling"
And yet the failed first wave assault of the greatest political crime in American history is all but ignored. I think after Bolton got the boot, President Trump should have reinstated Michael Flynn.
- Cleveland: The Russian Spy Who Wasn't? Defamation Case Accuses US, UK Intelligence Of Using Michael Flynn For Spygate Hoax
Michelle Malkin on Big Tech Big Brother fomenting violent insurrection.
- Malkin: Facebook Incites Violent War on ICE
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to I KEEEL YOU! Also, Mike Lee is an utter fraud and needs to be booted forthwith, one wonders what Nancy Palsi's reaction would've been had it been her 4-year-old granddaughter, AbolishICE is merely another Democrat violent goon squad, and Nazi collaborator Soros is behind quite a bit of the effort to eradicate our national sovereignty and identity.
- DoJ: Trained Lebanese Hezbollah Operative Given Citizenship While Reconnoitering Targets in NY, Boston, DC
- Sen. Mike Lee's America: Indian Firm in Chicago Paid Employees India-level Wages, Took Jobs from US Graduates (time to primary this fraud jag-off out of existence - jjs)
- Illegal Alien Charged with Raping 4-Year-Old Girl in Baton Rouge
- Dem Rep Invited #AbolishICE Radical to Immigration Town Hall
- Nazi Collaborator George Soros Takes on Denaturalization
Yet another vile Jew-hater at the NY Times and unsurprisingly a contributor to that 1619 Project agitprop smut, plus Rancida Taliban goes to bat for the replacement anti-Semite who replaced the original anti-Semites of the Women's March. Joo-hate has a deep bench, I see.
- Another New York Times Editor Made Racist, Anti-Semitic Comments
- Rancida Taliban Defends Latest Women's March Board Member Voted Out Over Anti-Semitic Comments
Nothing hypocritical at all, right?
- Dems Cook 10,500 Steaks While Lecturing Americans About Eating Less Meat
Toothy McBigTits attacking House Dem leadership again over backing away from impeachment. Let's see if this phony Ukrainian scandal stirs the pot. Also, the Oklahoma Land Crab beats out Bidet in Iowa, Spartacus is getting sparse on funds, Candace Owens with a truth bomb, Daniel Greenfield with some curious stats on NY Jewish voters, Buttplug's campaign circling the bowl, NY Post humiliates DeBolshevik on his leaving the campaign, Out-the-Ying Yang not fond of porn, Alaska joins other states in canceling GOP primary, DC statehood... again, more on Vermonters fed up with their RINO governor, and the utterly horrid legacy of race relations bequeathed us by Obama.
- Toothy McBigTits AOC: House Democrats' Refusal To Impeach Is a Bigger Scandal Than Trump's "Law-Breaking Behavior"
- Elizabeth Pemmican Blows Past Joe Bidet In Iowa; Still More Than Half "Could Be Persuaded" To Another Candidate
- The Madcap Adventures of "Buckaroo Banzai" Bidet
- Severely Flailing Booker's Campaign Faces Fundraising Woes
- Candace Owens: Dems Using White Supremacy Issue to Scare Blacks into Voting for Them
- Greenfield: Jews Hate Bernie Sanders... But Like Trump
- Why Mayor Buttplug's 2020 Presidential Campaign is Already Finished
- Andrew "Out-the-Ying" Yang: "Rampant Access To Pornography Is a Real Problem"
- "Dead Of Ego-Induced Psychosis": NY Post Issues Obituary For DeBolshevik's Failed Presidential Campaign
- Alaska Cancels Its 2020 GOP Presidential Primary
- DC Statehood Is Up for a Vote Again; It's Still a Bad Idea
- Vermont Conservatives Have Had Enough of Their RINO Governor
- The Crisis Obama Let Go to Waste
Joe Bidet dictates what questions he will be asked, BBC veteran states the obvious, Cancel Culture needs canceling, and what we can do to break up Big Brother Big Tech. My fear is that it will result in many smaller, yet no less anti-American, tech companies.
- In Crazy Rant, Joe Bidet Tells Reporters What Kind of Questions They Can Ask
- BBC Veteran: "Kremlin" Style "BBC Thought Police" Want to "Mould" UK In Liberal-Left's Image
- Cancel "Cancel Campaigns"
- A Precedent for Ending Big Tech's Monopoly
Blotto gets read the riot act, yet another retailer gets "woke" and set to go broke, and the case against universal background checks.
- Young Gun Owner Tells Blotto O'Rourke, "Hell No, You're Not Taking My Guns"
- Giant Eagle and the Second Amendment
- The Case Against Universal Background Checks
Kamala-Toe's investigation/prosecution of citizen journalists exposing Planned Parenthood exposed some of her prosecutorial malfeasance/collusion, more ghoulishness for your Monday, and another reason they're gunning for Justice Kavanaugh.
- Hearings Expose How Kamala-Toe Harris Used Prosecutorial Power To Benefit Abortion Businesses That Support Her Campaigns
- Abortion Stops a Beating Heart... Unless It Is Being Harvested for Research
- Abortion Advocates Attack Kavanaugh Because They're Losing the Argument
Ugh, we're sending troops to the KSA, SoS Pompeo to squeeze Farsis even harder, yes, Iran will strike again and a look at how Bo-Jo will break Britain free from the EU.
- US Sending a "Moderate" Number of Troops to Saudi Arabia
- Pompeo: New Sanctions Will Deny Iran "the Resources To Foment the Exact Kind of Strikes We've Seen"
- Pompeo Hints At What US Response Will Be To Iranian Attacks On Saudi Arabia
- Iran Will Strike Again
- Here's How Boris Johnson Gets the Brexit Deal the UK Really Needs
This is truly tragic and enraging.
- Symposium: Why We Left Our POWs Behind (not an easy read - jjs)
Finally, one of the scumbags who brutally murdered US Navy diver Robert Stetham is caught. Bro-Fo and Rancida to protest in 5-4-3-2...
- 34 Years Later, Suspect Arrested In TWA Flight 847 Hijacking (some justice for Robert Stetham at last? - jjs)
LA looking to make leprosy great again as conservatives who organized Baltimore cleanup head to LA to do the same. I hope they double bag themselves in environmental suits. Also, James Varney on Joni Ernst's sudden moves to become the next Tom Coburn-like budget hawk, and President Trump's transformation of the Ninth Circuit.
- NYU Doctor: Leprosy Could Hit LA's Homeless Population, "Only a Matter of Time"
- "Stop Talking, Start Doing": Conservative Who Organized Massive Clean-Up In Baltimore Takes On Los Angeles
- Varney: Joni Ernst Aims to Change Fed's "Spend It While You Have It" Mentality
- President Trump Has Made Some Real Progress Changing The 9th Circuit
Trump is winning the trade war with the Chi-Coms and Silicon Valley's cheering of Gavin Gruesome's efforts to stifle the economic boom they helped bring about.
- America Has a Long Lever in Trade War With China (don't look now but Trump is winning - jjs)
- Silicon Valley's Useful Idiots
The campus and classroom is where this war is, and Idaho's legislature understands it, forgive student loans and then get the government out of the business? Um, no and yes. Also two links on the toxic sewer of hatred at North Carolina campuses and the President hopefully going after it.
- Idaho Legislator: State Considering Defunding Leftist Agenda on Boise State Campus
- A Grand Bargain On Student Debt: Loan Forgiveness For Ending Federal Student Lending (taxpayers take it in the ass? No - jjs)
- UNC Charlotte Holds White Privilege Workshop... Only 9 Students Show Up
- Spencer: Trump Administration to UNC and Duke - Quit Promoting Islam on Our Dime
First Nancy Palsi opposes impeachment and now single-payer? Uh oh. And Bernie Sanders with more Gorgo the Friendly Angel dressed in a Santa suit.
- Palsi Pelosi Rejects Her Party's Calls For Single-Payer Health Insurance (this and no impeachment means civil war in the Democrat Party - jjs)
- Now Bernie Sanders Wants to Cancel America's Medical Care Debt
Speaking of the followers of Gorgo the Friendly Angel...
- The Left's Cynical and Childish "Climate Strike"
Spelunking on Mars.
- Cave Pits in the Martian Northern Lowlands (Spock sez "fascinating" - jjs)
31 flavors, 57 channels and how many genders? Also, free nipples! (while supplies last)
- What Comes After Transgender?
- Why Breasts Matter
Dang, I was thinking this same thing and Christian Toto beat me to it, Chick-Fil-A benefitted from all that free publicity, more on that 1619 tripe, the soft bigotry of low expectations gets real the next time you look at a black doctor or a female pilot, and a look at poverty and its ills.
- Toto: Did Annie Hall Predict Greta Thunberg's Climate Cry?
- Chick-Fil-A Sales Have Only Doubled Since Homo Boycotts Began In 2012
- Slandering the American Founding
- Diversity Inc. Is Becoming Even More Dangerous
- Behavior Matters: Why Some People Spend Their Lives in Poverty and Social Dysfunction
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at
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