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September 16, 2019
Leland Keyser, Who Blasey-Ford Claimed Was a Witness to Her Fabricated Assault, Finally Speaks About Ford's Accusation: "I don't have any confidence in the story."
Funny that the New York Times "reporters" who wrote up that silly accusation where the alleged victim denies the event chose not to publicize this bombshell.
Mollie Hemingway writes:
And then, just before the book ends, the reporters drop a bombshell:
>We spoke multiple times to Keyser, who also said that she didn’t recall that get-together or any others like it. In fact, she challenged Ford's accuracy. I don't have any confidence in the story."
This on-the-record quote is the first time that Keyser has spoken publicly about what was previously reported in detail in the new bestseller "Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court"...
The New York Times authors dismiss Keyser’s statement as the product of a bad memory, before noting that their unsuccessful efforts to corroborate Blasey Ford’s claims including desperately searching for a house that matched the description she gave. Nevertheless, their “gut” told them to believe her in the absence of facts.
The authors also acknowledge what had previously been reported in "Justice on Trial," about
A group text was formed in which friends such as Cheryl Amitay and Lulu Gonella discussed how to get her to say something more helpful to the cause. An unnamed man on the text suggested that they defame her as an addict. Keyser has been in recovery for some time, as her friends know and as has previously been reported.
Amitay answered,"Leland is a major stumbling block" While asserting she didn't want her to make anything up out of whole cloth, she offered ideas for things that could sound supportive of Ford's story, such as that she'd been in similar situations with Blasey Ford that summer.
"I was told behind the scenes that certain things could be spread about me if I didn't comply," Keyser told the reporters, a stunning admission of the pressure to which she was subjected to by Blasey Ford's allies.
Beach friends need to get their asses sued into bankruptcy.
Or maybe some investigation for the lies that we know some "accusers" told. Why are the false accusers being let off the hook, as usual?

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:06 PM
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