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September 08, 2019
"Charter Cities:" A Great Idea, But Not A New One. Just Read The US Constitution
This is, in broad strokes, the concept of the American state, so apparently the framers were way ahead of the times! Of course the Constitution as written is honored in the breach, but the idea of independent states with their own peculiarities and laws is the bedrock of our country. From it flows the electoral college and barriers to federal interference in states' business.
Give Charter Cities a Second Look
Ten years ago, in a TED talk, economist Paul Romer introduced the concept of charter cities, newly created municipalities governed by a nation other than the one in which its borders are contained. Writing in City Journal, Romer and Brandon Fuller described how charter cities would be set up: “A host country would provide land; a source country would provide residents; and a guarantor country would provide the assurance that the new city’s charter would be respected and enforced.” These cities, the theory held, could serve as models of good governance and wealth creation for their often poorly run host countries.
How they will defend this idea from the SJWs who will claim it is nothing more than modern-day colonialism is beyond me. But I look forward to the fight!

posted by CBD at
12:15 PM
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