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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (8/27/19) Condensed VersionHodge Podge Edition »
August 27, 2019
Robert Francis O'Rourke: Why Yes I Do Believe In Abortion Up Until the Last Second Before the Child Emerges Whole From the Womb
We can't dispute (very far-left) women on anything.
Maybe his nickname is really "Beta."
The interesting thing here is just the dramatic staging of the question.
Beta's answer is not exceptional in the least -- this is primary core Democrat doctrine. All Democrats would answer the question the same way. They might offer somewhat different evasions, but the answer would be, "Yes, women can kill whatever child they feel has become inconvenient, unless it finds a way to escape first."
Here's an update to the earlier story about the Washington Post calling the pro-life movement White Supremacist: the Cuck Brain Trust is once again shocked! to discover their Very Good Leftwing Media Friends would resort to such tactics to advance their political agenda.
I don't know about you, but my idea of a highly intelligent person is someone continually shocked by the same very-obvious things day after day after day.
Meanwhile, National Review will continue to play its role as Junior Partner to the leftwing media in slandering conservatives as White Supremacist.
One more update:
Most of the expenses come after the election?
That tracks!
A friend jokes:
it's interesting that many of those expense, even though they are completely different line items, round out to exactly $12000 almost every month on the month.
"Here's another $12000 invoice.... let's make this month's for.... who cares.... palm readings"
Maybe the guy is honeydicking her?

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:25 PM
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