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August 16, 2019
A Little Competition Goes A Long Way, Even In Education
School Voucher Kids More Likely to Graduate From College, Study Says
And this is into the fierce headwinds of the combined efforts of the Democrat Party, the various national and state teachers unions, and every piss-ant progressive mouthpiece in the land.
"The collective evidence in this paper indicates that students in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program tend to have higher levels of educational attainment than a carefully matched comparison group of Milwaukee Public School students," the authors conclude. "The MPCP students are more likely to enroll, persist, and experience more total years in a four-year college."
I wonder how much better the educational opportunities afforded our youth could be if the voucher programs weren't demonized, and instead included in a package of options for every student, including home schooling, private schools, parochial schools and trade schools?
Three generations and countless billions of dollars thrown at the problem, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. Actually, less than nothing, because the quality of education has declined markedly.
It's time to admit our failure as a society in teaching our kids, and finally try something different.