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August 16, 2019
Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones, But I'm President And You're Not, You Little Dweeb
We all know that President Trump has been accused of being a racist. The left went apeshit during the 2016 Presidential debates when Donald Trump took a swipe at Rosie O'Donnell.
Imagine if Donald Trump tweeted the following about the old hag Joy Behar, "I mean, gosh, what could that gal beat me at, being a slob?" "Like, what could Joy Behar possibly be better than me at? An eating contest? Like something that involved trying to keep something on the ground and having really large body mass? Like, if there was a hot-air balloon that was rising and you needed to try and keep it on the ground, she would be better than me at that? Because she is so fat."
The Bulwark would be apoplectic. Charlie 3-Wives Sykes, probably would forget that he was married and be on the prowl again. John Podhoertz would be sweating bullets about the fat shaming which took place. Erick Erickson would be crying on his new podcast. And Little Spud Stelter would be frothing from the mouth. While patriotic Jake Tapper would be lamenting that the greatest generation didn't fight and die for this buffoon.
The problem is that Donald Trump didn't tweet that or even say that. Long shot Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said that about President Trump.
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang brutally attacked President Trump's physical appearance at a recent event, mocking him as a "fat" "slob" with "really large body mass."
Yang's rant came as he spoke in Iowa over the weekend, as reported by The Atlantic, saying he challenges the president to "any physical or mental feat under the sun." The businessman may have to get in line, with former Vice President Joe Biden having already declared he'll challenge Trump to a push-up contest should he make fun of his age. "I'd say, 'C'mon Donald, c'mon man," Biden told Morning Joe. "How many push-ups do you want to do here, pal?'"
Where is the outrage? Crickets.
Instead of attacking President Trump maybe he should be spend more time worried about the other Democratic candidates in front of him. Hell, he's so far behind he's not even mentioned in the latest Democratic polling results.
In the first major shakeup to the lineup, Elizabeth Warren moves ahead of Bernie Sanders to claim second place behind Joe Biden in the Democratic nomination race. In addition, primary voters sharply divide between embracing former President Obama’s legacy and taking a new path.
A new Fox News Poll finds Biden continues to lead the nomination race with the support of 31 percent of Democratic primary voters. Next is Elizabeth Warren at 20 percent, Bernie Sanders at 10 percent, and Kamala Harris at 8 percent.
Obviously fat shaming is only acceptable if you are a retarded morally upright Democrat or NeverTrumper.
it's a sad but true fact: Fat shaming is everywhere. Now, there's evidence it can do more than damage self-confidence -- it may also have serious health consequences.
A new study found that overweight women who believe negative messages about their bodies are at greater risk for heart disease and diabetes than those who maintain a more positive body image.
The research, published in the journal Obesity, showed that higher levels of "weight-bias internalization" -- the term for what happens when people are aware of negative stereotypes about obesity and apply those stereotypes to themselves -- were associated with more cases of metabolic syndrome, a combination of health issues that raise the risk for heart disease and diabetes.
After all, the Americans who support President Trump are racists.
Sticks and stones and fat shaming may break bones, but names will only galvanize President Trump and his base's resolve.
President Trump on Thursday mocked the weight of a protester who briefly interrupted his rally in Manchester, N.H.
"That guy’s got a serious weight problem. Go home, start exercising," Trump said as the individual who interrupted Trump's speech was escorted out of the arena.
"Get him out of here please. Got a bigger problem than I do,” Trump quipped. “Got a bigger problem than all of us. Now he goes home and his mom says, 'What the hell have you just done?'
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
12:46 PM
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