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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (8/14/19) »
August 14, 2019
Philly Shootings Update: Six Cops Shot, But All Are In Stable Condition
The White Supremacy continues attacking cops.
There's still a gun battle going on, though it seems some perps or suspects have been arrested.
High-ranking police officials said that two officers with the Narcotics Strike Force were serving a warrant at a multifamily home when a shooter opened fire at the home. The two officers are barricaded in separate rooms with as many as four suspects in what may be a drug-related offense.
Hostage negotiators and a SWAT team are on the scene.
"Officers are attempting to communicate with the shooter; imploring him to surrender and avoid further injuries," Philadelphia Police Department Sgt. Eric Gripp said on Twitter.
Some video below. Crush this evil, ban all the websites, sic the FBI on conservatives, etc. You know the drill.
Bonus: But of course you were, dearheart.
And: What covens are you pledging this fall, Suzie?
Oooh, please pledge the Delta Sigma Mu sorority/coven, Suzie!
You've got that Delta Smelt smell about you!!!

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:41 PM
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