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August 08, 2019
Two Dogs Square Off In a Demonstration of Canine Martial Arts and Pug Katas the Likes of Which You Will Never See Again
Do not watch this unless you are ready to see Ultimate Kung-Fu Dog Power.
This FaceBook post features wizend pug-masters of the fighting arts.
Or should I say... biting arts?
No I probably shouldn't say that. It's stupid and it's gay.
via JackStraw.
Open thread.
Oh, and Trump said "No thank you" to the bureaucrat who John Brennan and Rod Rosenstein thought should be the next DNI.
Some thought she was "too close" to the perjurious partisan John Brennan.
So not only is she not getting the top job at the DNI, her ass is getting thrown out on the pavement from her old job, Assistant DNI.
Trump recommended that she seek employment with his very good real-estate friend, Heywood Jablome.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:50 PM
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