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June 24, 2019
Chicago PD Releasing Video From Jussie Smollett Fake Hate Crime Hoax
The video released so far features race arsonist/narcissist Jussie Smollett still wearing the "noose" around his neck, long after the "attack."
This next video is so bizarre I don't know if it's real, a prank, or some kind of mistake.
Supposedly, this video shows the Nigerian brothers in a cab on the way to the attack.
Dressed... inconspicuously. Like they imagine Trump voters dress, I guess.
But if this is real... why is the tax driver also dressed in a white Hazmat suit?
I am very doubtful of this but it's so bizarre I'd be derelict if I didn't post it.
Is there something about Chicago I don't know about?
Answer, from lurker (the other one):
Not a hazmat suit. The vehicle interior camera is partially in IR wavelengths - black clothing, for example, often shows up white.
I wondered about that, but the street light outside the car looks natural (a sort of sodium yellow) so I didn't think it was false color. But this makes a lot of sense.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:25 PM
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