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Trump Repurposes Biden's Illegal Immigration-Enabling App to Turn It Into an App That Urges Illegals to Go Home Democrat Fundraising Organization "ActBlue" Is Coordinating Violent Protests Against Elon Musk and Tesla After a Six Week Review, SecState Marco Rubio Cancels 83% of USAID Grifter Spending Stacey Abrams Goes on Allahpundit-Favorite Chris Hayes to Explain Why She Totally Deserved $2 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars Hyperpartisan Senator and All-Around Scumbag Chris Murphy Abandons His Wife For His Much Younger Side-Piece, a Millennial Who Runs a Leftwing Propaganda Mill That Posts Democrat Talking Points Disguised as "Local News Reports" ICE Agents Arrest Palestinian Activist Who Leads the Columbia Protests THE MORNING RANT: The Hartford Insurance is Canceling Coverage to the American Energy Institute Because It Promotes Carbon-Based Energy Mid-Morning Art Thread The Morning Report — 3/ 10 /25 Absent Friends
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June 21, 2019
The Morning Report - 6/21/19![]() Good morning kids. The weekend is here as well as the summer solstice, arriving at 11:54AM Eastern Time. But there's a lot to cover, so strap your board to your back and hitch a ride in your wetsuit, and away we go. First up, the president spoke about the downing of a US military drone by Iran as it was flying in international airspace and while everyone expected the angry, bloodthirsty OrangeManBad to nuke Teheran, his response was absolutely pitch perfect. He laid the blame squarely at their feet, but by speculating that it was some rogue trigger-happy general, he defused tensions while still keeping the heat and pressure on the Iranians without backing down. Secondarily, the markets appreciated his reaction, going from down 250 points to closing up 250 points after his remarks. Well played, Mr. President. You've pissed off the warmongers in the military industrial complex as well as made the media look like idiots... yet again. Look, the Iranian regime has got to go. They have been the single greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world, with the blood of scores of American soldiers and civilians on their hands. They want nukes not merely as a deterrent but because Armageddon for them is a desirable political end game. They must be eliminated. The question is, what should we do to hasten their removal? The other issue at play here is the poorly concealed and treasonous activity of the former administration, particularly John Kerry, who is consorting with a sworn enemy and encouraging them to provoke this President. I personally do not think that the shooting down of the drone or the attack on the two tankers in the Gulf were accidents. Nor do I think the Iranians would have done that without being given some sort of assurance by Kerry and perhaps Obama and others that doing so would hasten Trump's departure and that sanctions will be lifted and the Nuke Deal will be reinstated. This is, to put it mildly, the height of folly. And I'll go on record as saying if war, in whatever form it might take, does break out, the fault will be with the traitors who are actively undermining the foreign policy of this administration. We'll delve more into this topic at the Foreign Desk but for now, let's go to the immigration and border crisis where, with reports of upwards of 100,000 illegals evading capture and the CBP's provost reporting that the agency is utterly swamped, you'll be happy to know that your GOP-e has caved to the Democrats in a $4.6 billion dollar sham bill that addresses the crisis by swaddling the invaders in everything Tio Azucar can swaddle them in. Veto this garbage, Mr. President. Also, the provost reports that the invaders caught are coming from 52 different countries, and that means someone somewhere is paying for transportation from overseas to Mexico. This is a national security threat every bit as dangerous as that from Iran and must be addressed as such. And the threat is enemies domestic as well as foreign, as sanctuary city-protected illegal alien rapist is released only to attack the same disabled woman three days later. Believe it or not, nothing new in the Clinton/Obama Anti-Trump Coup to report so moving on to the Democrat Scandal Sheet and Official Anti-Semitism category, the knives seem to be out for Joey Bidet with the agitprop media finally giving full and unvarnished coverage of his shady dealings with the Chi-Coms and Ukraine for the betterment of himself and sons. Hunter Biden, the inept cocaine addict is evidently still active in that Chi-Com investment firm he was set up in. Elsewhere, a member of the Polish parliament has invited Chiquita Khruschev to visit the real ones that exterminated several million Jews by her kissing cousins of the NSDAP, not the imaginary ones in conjured up in her brainwashed cerebellum run by Amerikkka. Waste of time. Civil War 2.0: A good essay on the derangement of the Democrat-Left that is turning them into vicious automatons who are now openly hell bent on not just defeating Trump but overthrowing every last vestige of America as founded (Trump merely the focus and reason for their hatred). Politics: Treacher raises a rather salient point about Joey Bidet and his sudden labeling by the Democrats as an unreconstructed bigot, Chiquita Khruschev defends Booker attacking Bidet, Go-Go Gohmert gets heckled for stating the truth and the facts about Democrats, conservative blacks revolted by reparations push, along with the open socialist sewers of California, the illegal alien driver's licenses present an opportunity for Trump and the GOP to hit Democrats, Roy Moore is running for Senator again and Don Jr. slams him for his claims his candidacy is not anti-Trump, Piers Morgan confident of a Trump 2020 victory (he's got to get his mind right on the 2-A), all is forgiven and forgotten by Dems with Coonman Northam, Clyburn turns his ire on Pelosi and Hoyer, Larry Elder pissed no one confronted Chiquita Khruschev on her definition of the word "free" in all her free shit giveaways, more warning bells about the national popular vote, a rather positive spin on the demographic shifts in US population vis a vis electoral politics, and lastly, if 2016 was the "Flight 93 election, "Candace Owens has a new moniker for the 2020 election. Read and heed. First Amendment and Fake News Fakery: Marco Rubio slams the WaPo for claiming Trump has lost interest in Venezuela, two essays on SCOTUS okaying the Bladensburg Cross, German State organ blocks author for their citing a Joo-hater, a look at the secret algorithms muzzling conservative voices, a call for the media to stop pimping Russky and Chi-Com propaganda, Humberto Fontova compares Trump and Che Guevara when it comes to homosexual rights, another essay on the anti flag burning proposal, and Daniel Greenfield with a warning about what this bloated commie billionaire Marc Benioff is doing with Salesforce to silence and purge his political enemies, meaning normal Americans. Abortion: Rhode Island jumps on the baby-killing bandwagon as Governor Raimondo (what the fuck is the deal with that name?!) signs bill legalizing abortion up to birth. But, even Democrat lawmakers there protested it. The 9th Circus hands a big win to Trump which will seriously kneecap Planned Parenthood in the wallet, Los Angeles Dem calls abortion for what it is: black genocide, and in light of Justice Clarence Thomas' words on the subject, an essay on the nature of eugenics. Foreign Desk: Back to Iran where the NY Times is reporting that Trump was all set to order major retaliatory strikes on Iran for their downing of a US drone but eased off the trigger at the last moment, but that said the US is expected to retaliate in some form within the next few days. Target Iranian bases or forces in Syria or elsewhere outside their borders or the base from where the missile or aircraft was launched that downed the drone. Maybe a SEAL raid to cripple an installation. We shall see. A Hobson's choice for UK conservatives, two essays on the long and short term threats and challenge from the Chi-Coms, is Maduro trafficking in Nazi gold stolen from Jewish victims?, and the death of Morsi is being pimped by the agitprop media as Khashoggi 2: Assassination Boogaloo. Pfft. DEE-Fense: The trial of this Navy SEAL accused of a war crime gets turned on its ear as a medic steps forward to confess to the killing, some senators are briefed on Navy UFO sightings, and California judge hands an inadvertent, yet potentially huge win to Chi-Com industrial spying arm Huawei. Is there some sort of national security executive order that can override this? Since they are owned by the Chi-Com government, they present a clear and existential national security threat. Experts among the Horde, please weigh in. We-All-Slam-For-I-Slam: Mostly peaceful shouts of I KEEEEEL YOU! emanating from Harrisburg as clit-clipping gets the chop, and mostly peaceful death threats from the religion of peace. Domestic News: Angelenos have had it up to here (pointing to forehead) with the homelessness and are calling for Mayor Garcetti to step down. Pro-tip: stop voting for goddam Democrats - forever. Minnesota millionaire gets food stamps for a year to show how easy it is to scam the system, showdown between Congress and Trump on spending, bombshell SCOTUS sex case a big bust, despite a looming pension disaster, California divests from profitable investments because SJW madness, and a Pollyanna-ish essay on getting the Golden State on its feet. Again, dump all Democrats - forever. The Economy: Correlation between Chi-Com imports and the drug trade here and south of the border. Crime and Punishment: The headline says it all. Dear Lord... Education: A call for the reformation of higher ed. Meh, the entire system from pre-K through post-grad is nothing but anti-American brainwashing. Scrap it all. Red Greens: GOP lawmakers flee Oregon rather than vote on a disastrous cap and trade bill and the governor sends the state cops after them, and New York's anti-science anti-carbon bill will kill whatever is still surviving of the state's economy. Hither and Yon: Whoopi Rape-Rape opens cake-hole and flatus emanates, films about terrorism that attempt to make the terrorists reasonable actually do just the opposite, a summer film watch list for conservatives and Christian Toto says Hollywood's Trump derangement will only help him in 2020. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed. NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
"Works great if you want to keep up with current ev ..."
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Kite Surfing Cafe
Trump Repurposes Biden's Illegal Immigration-Enabling App to Turn It Into an App That Urges Illegals to Go Home Democrat Fundraising Organization "ActBlue" Is Coordinating Violent Protests Against Elon Musk and Tesla After a Six Week Review, SecState Marco Rubio Cancels 83% of USAID Grifter Spending Stacey Abrams Goes on Allahpundit-Favorite Chris Hayes to Explain Why She Totally Deserved $2 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars Hyperpartisan Senator and All-Around Scumbag Chris Murphy Abandons His Wife For His Much Younger Side-Piece, a Millennial Who Runs a Leftwing Propaganda Mill That Posts Democrat Talking Points Disguised as "Local News Reports" ICE Agents Arrest Palestinian Activist Who Leads the Columbia Protests THE MORNING RANT: The Hartford Insurance is Canceling Coverage to the American Energy Institute Because It Promotes Carbon-Based Energy Mid-Morning Art Thread The Morning Report — 3/ 10 /25 Search
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