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Monday Overnight Open Thread (6/10/19) »
June 10, 2019
What Won't Brian Stelter Say to Fluff Jeff Zucker's Pud?, Plus Other Nonsense from Twitter
A few questions:
1, if there were long lines for this, why was CNN Communications advertising the event? Why advertise a show that's sold-out and standing room only?
Note that CNN specifically cribbed ad-copy from the advertisement for this "show."
2. Brian Stelter provided exactly zero pictures to support this claim, despite cell phone cameras being ubiquitous, and despite the handful of fans of Cuomo and LeMon surely being eager to share evidence of their popularity.
3. By the way, the Kaufmann Concert Hall at the 92nd Street Y (where this "chat" occurred) holds... 917 people. It's hard to imagine "long lines" would form for a venue that holds at most 917 people, and surely was not at capacity (otherwise, why continue advertising it until showtime?), in which seating is assigned.
What was the reason for the "long lines" to see Cuomo and LeMon flirt with each other publicly, a disquieting, macabre display they put on every night when Cuomo hands-off to LeMon?
What were they doing, debuting the first twenty minutes of a secret third Avengers Thanos movie?
This seems like an absurd lie Stelter told to ingratiate himself with CNN management -- but that seems to be the sum and entirety of his job at CNN.
Next: David French writes about his favorite subject -- himself and his great virtue -- and shows how super-civil he is by dubbing his critics "the gutter right," which he admits he got from the leftwing "journalist" Adam Serwer.
David French is so civil and polite and TruCon he's calling conservatives a variation of "deplorables" he got from a fellow liberal at The Atlantic.
James Comey continues trying to appeal to the leftwing members of the future jury deciding his guilt or innocence:
Tom Fitton replied:
Next up: Please Clap, the Eric Swallowell version.
Then there's George Conway, who seems to have some bitterness towards a woman who is still legally his wife:
I don't know what Will Chamberlain could possibly mean there -- is he suggesting that George Conway's bitterness is partly due to a presumed separation between Kellyanne Conway and himself, a separation which is being publicly denied for the sake of the children, but which eats at him like cuckolding piranhas?
Who knows! I haven't a clue what he could mean here. I'm just trying to make sense of a senseless world.
And then there's this. As she says, the ending is everything.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:44 PM
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