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June 06, 2019
Target Celebrates Gay Pride Month By Grooming Your Kids [Warden]
Check out the new Target display at select stores.

Yep. That's the kid's section. But what someone does in their own bedroom is none of my business, am I right? I mean, it's not like anyone wants to turn your kid gay, you goofball bible beater.
No. They just want to, you know, present it as an option for kids--a really cool, socially acceptable one that'll earn you group praise and maybe a bit of friendly life coaching from a totally-not-trying-to-have-sex-with-you adult homosexual.
It's about sharing and acceptance. Also, it's about being part of a community that accounts for more than 80% of U.S. syphilis cases, but shhhhh! That's bigot talk. Love is love.
And you'll be happy to know that proceeds from the sales of these goods will go toward converting more kids for the gay lobby to love rigorously, passionately and often.
The items feature the bright, colorful gay rainbow and features words such as "TAKE PRIDE" and "WEAR IT WITH PRIDE". The new line is being rolled out to celebrate "Gay Pride Month" in June.
Target is offering to donate 50 percent of the purchase price of any LGBT item to GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network)."
"We’re making our message loud and clear: Target proudly stands with the LGBT community through all that we do," said Laysha Ward, an executive with Target.
Target also eliminated all gender references in toys and bedding departments and removed "boys" and "girls" signs to promote gender neutrality in its stores.
GLSEN? What's that? I'm glad you asked! GLSEN is a group of weirdos, perverts and communists (but I repeat myself) who want to push homosexuality on kindergartners in school. They're very fine people, that I can tell you! Normal and well-adjusted folks, just like you and me!
Johnson and Johnson also supports this twisted group. Remember that the next time you're shopping. Here's a screen shot of some of GLSEN's work.

I admit that I used to take a very libertarian attitude towards homosexuality. I was even neutral on gay marriage up until about 10 years ago. But this acceleration-ism has hardened my position.
At the very least, if homosexuality is going to be presented as not only normal, but something to be celebrated by children, then we should talk about what comes with it.
Let's start with this. According to a survey, 28% of homosexual men have had more than 1000 partners, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners, while 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime.
Is this something to be proud of? Is this what you'd want for your kids?
Here's another. Remember how gay marriage was pitched to the squares as no different than heterosexual marriage. It was a lie. Homosexual men do not practice monogamy, even in marriage.
David McWhirter and Andrew Mattison conducted a non-random study of 156 stable committed male homosexual couples. They found that none of the over 100 couples that had been together for more than 5 years had been sexually monogamous or exclusive. The authors, themselves a gay couple, argued that for male couples, sexual monogamy is a passing stage of homophobia and that many homosexuals separate emotional fidelity and sexual exclusivity.
A non-monogamous marriage is no marriage at all. It's an arrangement to receive legal and workplace benefits, no more. Which, of course, is what many conservatives argued for as a compromise until we were big-footed by gay activists and totalitarian judges.
Here's something that never gets talked about in this era of toxic masculinity. Lesbians are really into beating each other up. Yay! Let's have a parade!
90% of lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one of more acts of verbal aggression from their partners during the year prior to the study, and 31% reported experiencing physical abuse
Lesbians are also 3x more likely to abuse alcohol.
Homosexual men are 20x more likely to sexually abuse children. They are 17x more likely to get anal cancer and 7x more likely to raise a homosexual kid when they adopt.
They are also 7x more likely to use drugs.
Finally, gay men account for 66% of HIV cases.
I could go one, but that should paint the picture pretty well. Homosexuality is presented to our kids as nothing but cutesy rainbows and "love." This is a lie, a deliberate one at that.
If we're going to do all gay, all the time now, then I'm happy to talk about EVERYTHING homosexuality entails. The truth doesn't go away just because you don't acknowledge it.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:45 PM
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