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June 01, 2019
The Current Occasional Fishing Thread [Bandersnatch]
Current, get it? Welcome Piscators and Piscatrixes to the current installment of the occasional fishing thread. As usual, my musings, memories, biases, rants, brags, and outright lies are just a jumping off point. All things fishy are on topic. I should clarify that. Fishy as in piscatorial, not fishy as in the FISA shenanigans.
The casual reader might note seemingly contemporaneous references to Memorial Day and suspect that this is an old, stale post, which is especially not good for things fish. It is not. This post, upon creation, was archivaly bound in acid free paper and stored in a temperature and humidity controlled environment in William Devane's safe. It is presented to you in its pristine, as tinned, condition.
This is why America will always rule the world. Who else would come up with The Baghdad Angler's Club and School of Fly Fishing. [Update: link fixed]
I still quite like the idea of “Who dis?”, but decided to bump it down in honor of Memorial Day. Who dis?
This being Memorial Day weekend there’s a good chance that you’re traveling towards fishies so you can’t read this. Wait, that’s not quite right. Well, I’m sticking around. Holiday driving to select destinations is problematic. A while ago when I was setting off on an adventure a ‘Ette asked what I was taking. (You’d recognize her. Knee high to a grasshopper, T Rex arms, Victory appendages). So I sent her this:
That’s for a full assault. On more minimalist trips all I need is fishing tackle and the ability to make coffee. There was a night years ago when a bunch of people who knew each other all happened to pass through the parking area of Chatham Light at around 02:00 and I started making coffee. It became known as Bander’s All-Night Hobo Coffee Stand. I don’t know why they called it Hobo Coffee, this is from before there were Morons.
On to the fish brag pics. I’m in some groups where people get really ranty about fish handling in photographs. Hooks are supposed to be barbless, it’s best to not lift the fish out of the water for the picture, if you must then make sure your hands are wet, and that old kind of net is no good you need the new kind of net. Yeah, these pictures are not that kind.
Lurker John sez:
Caught this 15 incher last May on Lake Isabella, California.
I live a few minutes from the lake and we caught 6 of these 15inchers last year. Weather has kept us off the lake most of this year but can’t wait to get back out there. Hopefully I’ll be sending more pics this year.
I’ve never seen a crappie that size. If I can organize my thoughts I’ll post about regionalisms in fish names some day. These critters are pronounced crappy in some places, croppy in others. When I was a kid in Massachusetts we called them calico bass.
From Gregory:
My daughter caught this long nose gar by hand. She just chased it down and grabbed it.
Holy snikies!
From Conqueror of All Foes Cheese aka Bosk:
Bottom fishing out of Seward, AK years ago with co-workers.
Halibut, ling cod, yellow eye and some coho thrown in there.
This here would be from:
Pecan Scandi, former Gulf Coast denizen now about to retire in Central Washington.
And with that we move on to the raison d’etre of this here HQ, the comments section. Brickbats, praise, and fish brag pics are welcome at aoshqfish at sign gmail thing. (I didn’t think all that skullduggery was necessary but I actually got spam at the fish account).