Ben Had:
"Jane D'oh, what a lovely remembrance for a great ..."
Boss Moss:
"Do you temember how good McDonald's fries used to ..."
[/i][/b]andycanuck (5LoD7)[/s][/u]:
"Greg Price @greg_price11 2h
For the crime of sing ..."
Biff Pocoroba:
"Steak and Shake- unless they have changed in the p ..."
"Agree with speech vs violence for deportation. The ..."
Alberta Oil Peon:
"FB is full of ads about how expensive food will be ..."
Dash my lace wigs!:
"I am in favor of making a cleaner distinction betw ..."
Jane D'oh:
"McDonald's beef tallow fries were the best.
So ..."
It's me donna:
"217 It's me donna, personally I would have shot or ..."
"I cut it off right there. Hence, why sane people d ..."
Skip :
"Just watched a Megyn Kelly on the OBamas, sure see ..."
Deplorable Jay Guevara[/i][/s][/b]:
"Scotus has ruled repeatedly that green card holder ..."