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April 10, 2019

The Morning Report - 4/10/19


Good morning kids. The big headline for Wednesday is Benjamin Netanyahu surviving what many consider an orchestrated smear campaign and winning an historic fifth term as Israeli prime minister. I'm no expert at all in that nation's arcane political system but I understand his win has created quite a bit of turmoil with the parties, coalitions and all that goes with them so look for the analyses in the coming days ahead. Also, there are some commenters here at the HQ who are not fans of Bibi's leadership, particularly when it comes to how he has dealt with the Palestinian menace. I won't comment on that, but considering how shabbily he and his nation were treated by the previous administration - including actively meddling in a previous election to try to oust Bibi - if the collective head of the Democrat-Left-Media complex is exploding with rage this morning, all I can say is mazel tov, Bibi!

Back to the big stories here starting with yesterday's attempted sandbagging of AG William Barr by the House Democrats. After vermin such as Jerry Nadler and Nita Lowey hurled a torrent of halitosis and invective against him, and all but calling him a liar about the actual contents of the Mueller Report, Barr was unflappable, workmanlike and courteous as he took them apart piece by piece, telling them in no uncertain terms that there was no way in hell he was going to give them the full un-redacted report and the tens of thousands of notes associated with it. To do so would constitute breaking a law meant to protect innocent parties mentioned in the report from public exposure. By the way, that law was written by the Democrats in the wake of the Bill Clinton impeachment scandal, and IIRC both Nadler and Lowey voted in favor of it.

Meanwhile, after the rhetorical ass-kicking by William Barr, Nadler slithered off to another part of the House to chair a committee putatively about the alleged rise of alleged "white nationalism" which was a wafer-thin pretext to smear Trump and his supporters as racist. Suffice it to say, the results were somewhat sub-optimal for Nadler and his cohorts, including the truly disgusting Ted Lieu. Candace Owens let the Democrats have it with a long overdue rhetorical pimp-slapping for the ages:

"...Here are some things we never hear. Seventy-five percent of the black boys in California don't meet state reading standards. In inner cities like Baltimore within five high schools and one middle school not a single student was found to be proficient in math or reading in 2016. The singlehood--the single motherhood rate in the black community, which is at 23 percent in the 1960s when my grandfather was coming out, is at a staggering 74 percent today. I am guessing there will be no committee hearings about that.

There are more black babies aborted than born alive in cities like New York and you have Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo lighting up buildings to celebrate late-term abortions. I could go on and on.

My point is that white nationalist--white nationalism did not do any of those things that I just brought up. Democrat policies did..."

Preach it, sister. All day every day until the big lie about who and what the Democrats really are and the Jedi mind-trick that has brainwashed millions of Americans for over 50 years is broken.

To the border where the invasions continue and an unchecked judiciary continues to assert executive branch authority over our immigration policy. This has got to end. Yes, you can fire and hire cabinet members and others that are deemed to not be pulling their weight, but that is not going to really solve the situation so long as there are rogue elements of our government engaging in illegal and unconstitutional overreach. Time to slap them down, whatever the consequences in the future may be. The Democrats are always going to do whatever they damn well please to overthrow the country, so that should not be a deterrent. Anyway, as mentioned yesterday, the President is threatening to tax remittances and I think that that should have been done years ago. Whatever happens, just enforce the laws already on the books to the hilt and hit lawbreakers both foreign and domestic in the wallet.

To politics and in the Democrat Scandal Sheet, yet another aide in Maggie Hassan's office is implicated in the doxxing of info related to Brett Kavanaugh, at that Nadler hearing, the fat fool blamed hate crimes on Trump that occurred under Obama, Gillibrand in 2004 lobbied for the NXVIM sex cult, and a senior Obama cyber official is now lobbying for the Chi-Coms.

In Democrat Joo-hatred, "Bro-Fo" sez CAIR was started because some folks did something on 9/11, and while drugs, disease, death and crime flood across the southern border De Bolshevik targets the evil weather-controllers in Williamsburg because of a measles outbreak. Also, Leftists are strong-arming businesses to not hire anyone associated with the Trump administration, the ACLU sez Florida is overrun by creepy-ass crackas, and a MAGA hat-wearing Mexican-American gets attacked in a post office for her headgear. Idea: MAGA hijabs to confuse the enemy. Elsewhere, Palsi Pelosi is losing control of the House Dems as a routine budget vote fails, Biden and Sanders seem to be leading the pack, and two essays that tell us not to be fooled by either of them.

Abortion: Steve Scalise tells it like it is.

First Amendment: Google's secret black list, Jeffrey Lord on the high-tech lynching of Kay James, one dolla' holla' shit-rag glorifies the "Bro-Fo," Matty Yglesias praises lying, and the MFM will always defend the SPLC.

Guns: Bushmaster will appeal the Newtown lawsuit at SCOTUS.

Foreign Desk: Bibi's big win, Maduro attempts a Kelly's Heroes and yes, no more intervening in foreign civil wars.

We-All-Slam-For-I-Slam: Air BnB pressured to back down on the Israel boycott and Palestinian terrorists go on the Bobby Sands GAINZZZ plan.

Domestic Scene: Left goes ape as Trump nixes Obama MLB ruling vis a vis Cuba, and unions still trying to fight and/or thwart the Janus ruling. The court has spoken, lefties so STFD and STFU.

The Economy: Daniel Greenfield on New York Dems' taxation madness, Chi-Coms profiting from US satellite sale, West Virginia's man-chins of glory, and more tariffs please.

Healthcare: Debunking the anti-vaxxer dangerous mythologies.

Education: Trump admin gets Texas Tech to back off the quotas, kill college subsidies and kill the brainwashing, California parents up in arms about the tranny indoctrination, and related, claim your Muslims.

Red Greens: Climate Change myth actually busted, and blame the Nebraska flooding on the environmentalists' madness.

Feminazism: Dennis Prager on perpetual PMS.

Hither and Yon: Three excellent essays on Jews, Marxists, Socialists and the yutes of America, separately and in combination.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

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posted by at 07:55 AM

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