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April 04, 2019
Senator Josh Hawley Calls for Twitter's Deplatforming Policies to Be Audited by an Independent Third Party, Suggests Their Grant of Immunity to Third-Party Suit May Be In Jeopardy
Paula Boyard at PJMedia:
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) put Twitter on notice on Wednesday, calling on CEO Jack Dorsey to undergo a third-party audit of its suspension policies.
Hawley mentioned the [repeated Twitter attacks against the Unplanned movie] in his letter to Jack Dorsey, saying that it raised "yet more questions about your supposed commitment to free speech."
"In light of these events, and in view of Twitter's history of de-platforming conservative voices, it is time for Twitter to open itself to a third-party audit of how and when the company enforces its suspension policies," Hawley wrote.
Hawley reminded Dorsey of his 2018 commitment "to serve the public conversation” by “defending freedom of expression as a fundamental human right” at Twitter.
Social media platforms have been given a "sweetheart deal," according to Hawley, which includes "immunity from liability for illegal content posted by third parties." They were given special consideration, he said, because they promised to provide "a forum for a true diversity of political discourse."
Meanwhile, most of the GOP continues doing favors for corporations that donate to them while attacking the shit out of their actual constituents.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:09 PM
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