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April 02, 2019
Christiane Amanapour to James Comey: Shouldn't the FBI Have "Restricted" People's Use of the "Lock Her Up" Chant at Rallies as Hate Speech?
It's amazing how pro-censorship "journalists" are, but simultaneously whiny about Trump's threats to "open up the liable laws" or merely call them "fake news."
Pick one (1) position and stick to it, would-be tyrants.
CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour asked former FBI director James Comey on Tuesday if he should’ve restricted people from saying "lock her up" because the phrase amounts to "hate speech."
Comey asserted during the interview that President Donald Trump targets private citizens with investigations and the power of the executive, citing Trump "calling for the locking up of his political opponents, including people like me."
Amanpour seized on Comey's use of the phrase "locking up," and wondered if the FBI should censor the use of "lock her up" in reference to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Video at the link.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:32 PM
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