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March 28, 2019
CNN: Sure Fox Trounced Us In the Ratings on Sunday, But Ratings Since Then Aren't a Big Deal, Because It's Been a Slow News Week
Is this from Powerball Butterbottom's column or newsletter?
Because if it is, someone needs to look in on him. He's an outrageously obsequious corporate tool and palace eunuch who says absurd things to protect his absurd job at his absurd Political PAC CNN, but this is really over the line, even for him.
Update: Per the Daily Caller, these are indeed Tater's ravings.
This is insane. This is literally insane. This is something only a crazy person would say.
Thanks to Tami.
Flashback: Ted Koppel Tells Little Brian Stelter That CNN's Ratings Would Be In the Dumper Without Trump: I guess he was right.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:42 PM
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