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March 28, 2019
Republicans on Intelligence Committee Open Hearing By Demanding That the Lying, Leaking (and Lie-Leaking) Adam Schiff Step Down as Ranking Member
Katie Pavlich:
"Since prior to the inauguration of President Trump in January 2017, you have been at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign claiming, among other things, the Trump campaign colluded with the Russia government. Indeed, before the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel, you alleged during one of your frequent television interviews that there was 'more than circumstantial evidence' of collusion but you could not 'go into particulars,'" the letter states. "You continue to proclaim in the media that there is 'significant evidence of collusion.' You further states you 'will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues. That is the president or people around him comprised in any way by a hostile foreign power?' Your willingness to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming."
"The findings of the Special Counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information, having damaged the integrity of this Committee, and undermined faith in U.S. government institutions," the letter continues. "Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee, which alone in the House of Representatives has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community. As such, we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee."
Trump tweeted this morning:
8 hours ago
Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!
And this:
8 hours ago
Wow, ratings for "Morning Joe," which were really bad in the first place, just "tanked" with the release of the Mueller Report. Likewise, other shows on MSNBC and CNN have gone down by as much as 50%. Just shows, Fake News never wins!
And this, too:
8 hours ago
FBI & DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie Smollett case in Chicago. It is an embarrassment to our Nation!

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:50 PM
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