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March 24, 2019
FOID (Firearm Owners Identification Card) Ruled Unconstitutional In Illinois
Well, this should be interesting! Apparently a judge doesn't think that it is appropriate for the state to tax and regulate our rights protected by the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.
People v. Brown - FOID ruled unconstitutional in IL District Court
Of course Illinois is appealing, and I assume that some judge or judges will eventually find in the state's favor, but if this goes to the United States Supreme Court we have a shot at winning.
Ignoring the patently offensive idea of an FOID, what's the point? Most purchases include an NICS and a 4473, so it's just typical government harassment. And since New Jersey is making noises about jacking up the fees for its own FOID, and requiring regular reapplication (instead of the current lifetime card), I have a vested interest in this case.