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March 21, 2019
Trump Signs Executive Order Re-Affirming That Colleges Must Defend the Right to Free Speech Or Lose Federal Grants; Also Demands Schools Provide a Report Card on Their Students' Ability to Repay College Debt
Keeping promises.
President Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to promote free speech on college campuses by threatening colleges with the loss of federal research funding if they do not protect those rights.
"We’re here to take historic action to defend American students and American values," Trump said, surrounded by conservative student activists at the signing ceremony. "They’ve been under siege."
"Under the guise of speech codes, safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans like those here today," he said.
A senior administration official said the order directs 12 grant-making agencies to use their authority in coordination with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure institutions that receive federal research or education grants promote free speech and free inquiry.
This order does not really order schools to do more than they're already supposed to be doing -- but it is a shot across the bow that the law will be actually followed going forward, and noncompliant schools will be punished as the law provides, and that "compliance" may be interpreted more strictly than it has in the past.
He also directed schools to start reporting on how their students repay -- or do not repay -- student loans accumulated at their schools.
It's funny, the people the GOPe shills and their leftwing allies insist to me were "Honorable" lied to me constantly. Like when John McCain ran for reelection with a promise made in an ad to "Build the Dang Fence," then immediately opposed border fencing when he won, or when he ran for years on the promise to repeal ObamaCare, then sided with his Very Good Friends the Democrats when he had an opportunity to vote for repeal with a president who would sign that repeal into law.
I have a theory on that: It's not lying if you're lying to people unworthy of honesty. Just like a knight didn't have to offer honorable combat to ruffians or commoners -- just other knights or those deemed to have "honor" (often a matter of bloodline and breeding), our politicians aren't really lying if they just lie to the Deplorables, who are deplorable.
The Deplorables, wack-a-doos, and Hobbits need to be lied to to be steered into being tricked into passively accepting the GOPe/liberal line. And McCain knew that -- and he was courageous in his willingness, nay, eagerness to lie to Deplorables to inflict the globalist GOPe/liberal transnational progressive line on them.
Meanwhile -- this liar Trump, huh?
See, he's dishonorable because he keeps promises to those who are themselves dishonorable.
McCain was a Noble Man because he lied to Deplorables who are not owed the truth; Trump is an Ignoble Monster because he keeps faith with the Deplorables who should be treated like animals, not human beings.
Sort of Related: British police investigating journalist for the crime of "misgendering" (an Orwellian term meaning "correctly noting the gender of") a tranny.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:33 PM
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