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March 21, 2019
The Morning Report - 3/21/19
Good morning kids. Thursday and after going an entire winter without so much as a sniffle, I come down with something before the first full day of spring is even over. Oh well, let's get right to the links.
Immigration: The illegal alien animal who murdered Mollie Tibbetts is getting money to pay for an expert witness at his trial (corrected for accuracy, jjs) - on how to be an illegal alien and get away with murder, no doubt. Meanwhile the amount of money reported as remittances is huge, and if you were to slap a tax of say 90-95% on it, that might put a serious crimp in the incentive to invade the country in the first place as well as perhaps de-incentivizing the upwards of 30 million illegal aliens already here to remain. Meanwhile, Maine GOP honcho Nick Isgro is being smeared by the usual gang of Leftist scum for speaking the truth about the national crisis of open borders and while the SCOTUS ruling a few days back is a big win, we are still losing the war to preserve our national identity and sovereignty.
Democrat-Sanctioned Joo-Hatred: The anti-American front group known as MoveOn is calling on all Democrat 2020 prexy candidates to boycott AIPAC. And first out of the gate to take that call seriously appears to be "Blotto" O'Rourke who sees horns on Bibi's head and a halo over Abbas'. Feh. If none of this does not tell you that the driving forces in that party are officially and openly anti-Semitic, you're not paying attention. Finally, two pieces on the possibility of a "Jexodus," one from Daniel Greenfield and the other spotlighting the Jewish Maxim model (and total hottie) Elizabeth Pipko who has been taking flak for outing herself as not a braindead Leftist pod-person.
To politics where, starting off in Civil War 2.0 category, Meathead "Rob" Reiner continues the incitement of violence by comparing President Trump to cancer. And not unrelated, the rabid ignoramus is linked to a cabal that is engaging with the same players to continue to pimp collusion propaganda to a more-than-eager media for immediate dissemination.
Looking at the Democrat Scandal Sheet, an octogenarian film-flam man may be behind bars for the rest of his life for bilking gullible Bernie and Beto boosters out of big bucks and then trying to pull a Bialystock and Bloom on them, while No-Shot Jello-Brain Gillibrand stammers and stutters out a lame excuse about her aiding and abetting the sexual abusers among her key staff.
The big story in politics, which is really just the coming out of the closet, if you will, is the Democrats full-throated pushing for the abolition of the electoral college and the packing of the SCOTUS among other things as a means to secure permanent political power. They know, as we do, that even in today's fractured society, they cannot easily advance their agenda electorally or even legislatively. So do away with the safeguards that protect against majoritarianism and essentially, America will be ruled by Santa Monica and the Upper West Side. Forever. In any case, as the lead article illustrates, all of these schemes require a Constitutional amendment, but that presupposes a) Democrat States and leaders abiding by the Constitution and b) a John Roberts-led SCOTUS that will do its duty and strike down these attempts to overthrow the process.
Elsewhere, despite all of this, the latest polls show Trump handily beating Beto and Bernie and the RNC made a massive haul in campaign bucks last month, Donna Brazile hated McCain before she loved him, Palsi Pelosi tries to tamp down the impeachment talk, No-Shot Gillibrand deflects from her own slimy behavior by promising free money and citizenship to illegal alien invaders, Tank Abrams (the poor man's Lauren Hutton) is still bitching and moaning, Andrew "Out-the-Ying" Yang is one sick pup, Rabbi Fischer on Kellyanne Conway's domestic disturbance, V.D. Hanson on Trump's 2020 outlook and two fine essays on the totalitarian progressive menace.
Mueller/Congressional Coup: McStain was instrumental in the collusion hoax and the attempt to revoke Jared Kushner's security clearance.
Abortion: Big crowds expected for Illinois anti-baby killing rally, abortion is going to be murder on 2020 Dem prospects, of all people, Kermit Gosnell has misgivings on legalized third trimester infanticide, and a feminizazi is caught stealing crosses from a pro-life display.
First Amendment and Fake News Fakery: The National Laughingstock Washington Post lets Turk Turdogan, the world's biggest jailer of journalists, write a vile op-ed, CNN spouts utter lies about the electoral college and James Madison, Jeffrey Lord on the Tu-Ca persecution, and two essays on breaking up Big Brother Big Tech.
Guns: The tone-deaf hypocrisy of the Colorado AG is staggering; calls for the firing of sheriffs who refuse to confiscate guns in violation of our second amendment while the country is lousy with sanctuary cities and states for allowing illegal alien criminals to roam freely. Get fucked, jerk-off.
Foreign Desk: An Indian oil company is flouting our embargo on Venezuela, Mexico's Obrador is steering that country towards Venezuelan doom (if it ain't already there), 2020 Dems are hot and horny to allow the Farsis to nuke up, and more on the Poland holocaust dust-up. Meanwhile a US general is risking his career by telling the truth about identity politics.
We-All-Slam-For-I-Slam: Malkin exposes CAIR for the terrorist-enablers they are and "Bro-Fo" Omar votes against a bill allowing insurance companies to deny claims to relatives of terrorists. Shocking.
Domestically, the IG reveals the DoJ covered up for a rotten turd with an FBI badge, some hope for reform with the new FDA commissioner and let's expand the welfare state even more with family leave - not. Meanwhile, the widening of the Panama Canal kneecaps the economic and sometimes political stranglehold that west coast longshoremen's unions have on Asian trade.
Crime and Punishment: Chi-Com national sentenced for pimping killer pills, a look at leftist prosecutors and their undoing of law and order in big cities and Lee Boyd Malvo, the younger half of the DC terrorist sniper duo is up for parole. What will SCOTUS do?
Education: The incoming USC chancellor led the war on Confederate monuments at UNC, a twist on reparations as Harvard being sued for using pictures of slaves, the case against a leftist college forcing a conservative student to participate in activism heads to court and Chiquita Khruschev AOC is in hot water again, this time for attending a conference to end standardized testing and lying about it.
Red Greens: Hack-in-black Obama stooge puts kibosh on Wyoming oil drilling, US cities ending the money-wasting recycling scam, the journal Science goes full Lysenko, and 10 years after the Climate-Gate scandal, global warming is all but debunked. Meh, the story was mostly embargoed by the agitprop media and it's still an article of faith by the Donkey Chompers set.
Feminazism and Transgender Psychosis: British authorities threaten to take an autistic teen away from parents if they refuse to cut off his penis and put him in panties and garter belts.
Hither and Yon: Christian Toto ponders the Left's reaction to Best of Enemies, a look at Shrill in context to abortion, the long and horrid rap sheet of the SPLC and Socialism's bloody body count. And still counting.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
- Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Granted $3,200 in Taxpayer Money for Expert Witness
- Remittances to Countries Sending Many Illegal Immigrants Hit a Record $120 Billion
- Maine GOP Leader Attacked for Opposing Open Borders
- Immigration: The Big Lies
- At SCOTUS This Week, Conservatives Won an Immigration Battle But Continue to Lose the War
- Anti-American Front Group MoveOn Calls For 2020 Democrats to Boycott AIPAC
- Freshman Dem Rep Max Rose "Horrified" by "Bro-Fo" Omar's Anti-Semitic Comments
- "Blotto" Beto: Netanyahu "Sided With Racists," But Terrorist-Supporting Abbas Only "Ineffectual"
- Greenfield: The Case for "Jexodus"
- Meet the Maxim Model Leading the "Jexodus" Movement
- Meat-Head Reiner: Best Birthday Gift for My 97 Year-Old Dad Would Be "Removal of the White House Cancer"
- 80-Year-Old Man Raises $250,000 For Bernie and Beto... Buys Mercedes Instead, Feds Say (zombie Max Bilaystock is a Democrat? - jjs)
- Gillibrand Acknowledges "Human Errors" in Staff Sexual Misconduct Investigation
- Democrat 2020 Hopefuls Back 4 Policies That Require Constitutional Amendments
- The Electoral College Still Makes Sense Because We're Not a Democracy
- Joe Bidet Called Court Packing a "Bonehead Idea" During 1983 Hearing
- Trump Leads Beto and Bernie By Double Digits With White Working-Class Voters
- Fox'd Up: Donna Brazile Trashed John McCain While He Was Alive, Now She's His Biggest Fan
- Palsi Pelosi Won't Comment On Potential DeBolshevik Prexy Run
- RNC Crushed February Fundraising Records, Raising $14.6 Million Last Month
- Palsi Pelosi Considers Impeachment Talk "a Gift" to Trump
- Gillibrand: Social Security, Pathway to Citizenship Should Be Rights For Illegal Alien "Immigrants"
- "Tank" Abrams Says She Spent Days After Election Loss Plotting: "Revenge Can Be Very Cathartic" (penance and liposuction too, tubbo - jjs)
- Democrat Candidate Andrew Yang's 8 Most Bizarre Policy Proposals
- Rabbi Fischer: Really, There Is Something About George Conway That Does Not Add Up
- "Progressive" = The New Nazi
- V.D. Hanson: Can Trump Win Again in 2020?
- How Do You Solve a Problem like Chiquita Khruschev AOC?
- McCain's Key Role in Fueling Post-Election Trump-Russia Hysteria
- The Kushner Security Clearance Noise
- Illinois Crowds Protest Radical Abortion Bills
- Imprisoned Abortion Butcher Kermit Gosnell Has Doubts About Spread of Dems' Third Trimester Infanticide Laws
- 2020 Dems Alienating Voters With Abortion
- FemiNazi Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display... Then the Cops Show Up
- Washington Post Prints Op-Ed from Turkey Turdogan, World's Top Jailer of Journalists
- Eager to Please Democrats, CNN Lies About James Madison, Electoral College
- Lord: Tucker Carlson and the Battle for Freedom
- Blankenship Is Right: Sue the Mainstream Media Out of Existence
- Information Darkness Is Coming, Unless...
- Colorado AG: Sheriffs Who Will Not Enforce Gun Confiscation "Should Resign" (what about immigration laws, pal? - jjs)
- Reliance Sends Fuel From India, Europe to Venezuela to Sidestep US sanctions
- New Mexi-Prexy Steering Country on Venezuelan Path to Doom
- 2020 Democrats Want to Make the Iran Deal Great Again
- Poland's Holocaust Complicity: Responding to Professor Radzilowski
- Lt. Gen. MacFarland: "Identity Politics" in Military and Society is a "Cancer"
- "Bro-Fo" Omar Voted Against Bill to Let Insurance Companies Deny Payouts to Terrorists' Relatives
- Malkin: Never Forget CAIR's Dirty Deeds
- More Common Sense, Less Nanny in New FDA Commissioner
- IG: DoJ Declined to Prosecute FBI Agent Who Worked for FBI Contractor, Filed False Financial Disclosures, Sexted on FBI Phone
- Americans Want a Welfare State, So Paid Leave Should Be Done the Least Stupid Way (how about weaning off the government teat instead of growing an extra nipple? - jjs)
- America's Highest Paid Union Faces Existential Risk From Widened Panama Canal
- Chinese National Sentenced for Plan to Distribute Illegal Sports Supplement
- "Justice" for Whom?
- Will SCOTUS Reduce the Sentence of Terrorist Murderer Lee Boyd Malvo?
- Incoming USC Prexy Was UNC Chancellor Embroiled In Swift Confederate Monument Controversy
- Harvard Sued For Allegedly Profiting Off Photos of Slaves
- Case of College Forcing Conservative to Advocate Liberal Causes Now Going to a Jury
- Chiquita Khruschev AOC Attends NY Panel Encouraging Boycott of Standardized Tests
- Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Wyoming Oil Lease Sale Over "Climate Change"
- US Cities Ending Costly Recycling Programs
- Major Science Journal Embraces Crackpot "Nature Rights" Movement
- 10 Years after Climategate, the Global Warming Fraud Is on Life Support
- Brit Parents Refuse to Facilitate "Sex Change" of Autistic Son, So Authorities Threaten to Put Him In Foster Care
- Toto: Will the Left Melt Down Over Best of Enemies?
- The Abortion Storyline In Lindy West's Shrill Shouts An Important Truth
- The SPLC's Scandalous History on Race
- Ignoring Socialism's Countless Corpses